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Rife Ray Newspaper Article
San Diego Evening Tribune
May 7, 1938

Doctors Wait For Test Of Rife 'Ray'

Doctors Wait For Test of Rife ‘Ray’

San Diego Evening Tribune May 7, 1938

By Newell Jones

Royal Raymond Rife, San Diego scientist, today added disclosure of accompanying scientist’s developments to his report yesterday of discovery of a radio “ray” destructive to disease germs. Meanwhile San Diego County Medical society members reserved judgment upon the ray indicating they lacked sufficient first-hand knowledge to justify comment.

Dr. Bryant R. Simpson president of the society said that because Rife’s work had not been brought before the society there was nothing that he could say about the discovery, as president of the organization. He added that he did not mean to imply any discredit for the work. He explained that it was merely a matter of reserving judgment until the medical world knew more about it.

Several other doctors express themselves similarly, explaining, however, that as individuals, they did not wish to identify themselves for publication.

No Claim 'Cures' Made

"Rife's reports of his work are very interesting," one of these commented. "There is no doubt that such a discovery would be of great importance, but we cannot be sure about such things until we know how much research has been done in the actual testing of the ray’s effects and what results have been obtained.

The San Diego scientist yesterday claimed discovery that radio waves tuned to particular lengths for each kind of organism would devitalize, or kill, the organisms, both in their free state and in living tissue. He cited thousands of laboratory trials upon cultures of almost all kinds of organisms affecting human beings, including one which he said he had found present in cancers.

Rife specifically avoided any claims of "curing" disease and added that he is not yet positive that the cancer organism which he found, directly causes the disease, although he is sure it plays some part in.

"We do not wish at this time," he repeated today, "to claim that we have ‘cured’ cancer, or any other disease, for that matter. But we can say that these waves do devitalize the organism."

The scientist then told of the latest developments made in his Pt. Loma laboratory on his microscopes, the first of which was announced seven years ago, and of unreported discoveries which these have made possible. Outstanding among these discoveries were the revelations of previously unseen, filter-passing, pathogenic viruses for bombardment with the Rife Ray.

Quartz Prisms Used

"Physicians always have clung to the rule," said the San Diegan, "that any object which is smaller than one-half the wavelength of the light by which it is illuminated under the microscope cannot be seen in its true form or detail.’ This is true with the conventional methods of optics. But these instruments introduce other methods."

The scientist explained the new methods and what they accomplish.

In the standard microscope, the image of the subject being studied is projected 180 millimeters from the master lens of the objective to the eye point. By this great distance of projection, the magnification is limited. However, in the optical principles involved in the Rife instruments, there is virtually a tube length of 200 to 449 millimeters, but the greatest distance of projection of the image through any one media, either quartz or air, is less than 30 millimeters.

This shortening of the distance of projection through any one media, it was explained, allows greater magnification and eliminates chromatical, and most of the spherical aberration, chromatical aberration being that of colors of the subject being studied, and the spherical, that resulting from the curved form of ordinary magnifying lenses. This shortening is made possible by use of quartz blocks and prisms in the body tube of the microscopes to carry the vision of the image through the optical path. In the conventional microscope, the vision of the image passes through free air in the hollow tube of the instrument.

The new instruments obtain in this manner a peak magnification of 31,000. Maximum for standard laboratory instruments is only slightly more than 1600.

Then, in making visible the filter-passing forms of bacteria, or virus, the paramount factor of the Rife instruments is a different illuminating system, the major part of which is composed of a series of rotating, circular, wedged quartz prisms. As these prisms are rotated, they increase or decrease the angle of incidence of the illuminating beam, changing the light beams frequency, or wavelength, to co-ordinate with the particular organism under observation.

None Sold Commercially

This illumination, together with the increased magnification, makes it possible to see the virus.

The first of these microscopes was built in 1918, for observation of pathological tissue at high magnification. This instrument carried a peak magnification of 17,000. Because it had many errors in the lens system employed in the body tube and because of excessive unstableness, owing to the horizontal position of the body tube, this instrument was replaced in 1932 by what is termed the No. 2 microscope, this being the first using the prism system in a vertical tube.

This No. 2 instrument carried a magnification of 21,000.

A No. 3 instrument, or universal microscope, was designed and built in 1933. It is this instrument which carries the peak magnification of 31,000.

A No. 4 instrument was designed and built later as a portable device and is used at present in the Rife Research laboratory as a routine instrument, carrying a magnification of 10,000.

It was through these developments that Rife was able to find and then bombard with the ray, as told in his report yesterday, viruses in such diseases as cancer, tuberculosis, sarcoma, Streptococcus and many others.

"I have never claimed," he commented today, "that my microscopes are better than those of any accepted, standard make. All I say is that they answer my purpose." He added that no individual other than himself, nor any company, has had anything whatsoever to do with the design of these instruments, nor are they being manufactured or sold commercially by anyone.

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