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Chapter #8

1935 Rife Ray #4 Rife Machine

Dr. Rife With Rife Ray #4

1) It used a ray tube.

2) It had a fixed RF oscillator which lit the plasma tube and was used as a type of carrier wave.

3) It had two separate variable oscillators so it could output two RF frequencies simultaneously, or at the same time. Frequency range was from 87,000 Hertz to 22.5 MHz.

4) The output to the ray tube was variable up to about 500 watts. But due to the fact that it used a damped wave the power in the waveform was between 50 to 60 watts.

Some have asked how we can be sure these photos we have are of the Rife Ray #4 Rife Machine. It is a simple process of deductive reasoning. John Crane, one of Dr. Rife’s 1950’s business partners, incorrectly dated the Rife Ray #4 as a 1942 Rife Machine. This misdating has led to some confusion which we will now attempt to clear up. In the photo, shown above, we see Dr. Rife using the instrument which John Crane dated as built in 1942. However, the lab film this picture was taken from was completed in May of 1939 for Dr. Rife's trip to England. A letter dated May 14, 1939, confirms this fact. We quote:

RIFE: "The motion picture film is all finished, showing the complete method of the isolation of the BX, directly from the human tumor, the inoculation of the experimental animal, the removal of the tumor surgically, and the recovery of the BX from the tumor. This film shows the complete interior of the laboratory, this method and technique of bacteriology and filterable virus, and for the first time ever shown electrical frequencies and wave forms on motion picture film. These frequencies are from several types of electrical therapeutic apparati," (Letter to Dr. Gonin from Dr. Rife dated May 14, 1939).

This letter properly dates the instrument as having been built before May of 1939 and shows that John Crane's dating was incorrect. In the background of this photo, behind the instrument Dr. Rife is using, we see his Kennedy Company equipment (which was the Rife Ray #3) back against the wall. Therefore this instrument Dr. Rife is using could have only been built before 1939. Since we also have photos of the Rife Ray #5, built in the summer of 1936, then logically this could only be a photo of the Rife Ray #4. The Rife Ray #4 documents show it was completed in the fall of 1935. The next photo, shown below, is a better photo of the Rife Ray #4 instrument.

Rife Ray #4 Rife Machine

Bertrand Comparet, Dr. Rife’s attorney, said three experimental machines were built. With the proper dating of this Rife Machine, which shows it is the Rife Ray #4, we will now discuss it in detail.

Of the three experimental machines, it appears that two were Rife Ray #4's and the third was the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical experimental instrument which was used in a clinic in 1937. We will cover the Beam Ray Clinical instrument later.

Dr. Johnson's machine was the first Rife Ray #4 that was built in 1935. After Dr. Johnson's instrument was built he states in a letter that the second #4 instrument was soon to be built for Dr. Rife:

DR. JOHNSON: "While you have the machine [Dr. Johnson's Rife Ray #4] down there, I hope you and Jack are working on those bananas so we can get an M.O.R. for them, if possible. As soon as you send Phil [Philip Hoyland] and the machine back, I am going to start Phil on making your Machine." (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Rife, November 25, 1935).

Now that we have established the fact that both Dr. Milbank Johnson and Dr. Rife had their own Rife Ray #4 instrument we can continue with the history of this instrument. As pointed out earlier in this report Philip Hoyland eventually became Dr. Rife's engineer and business partner. Philip Hoyland was the one who measured Dr. Rife's frequencies when he came to Dr. Rife's lab in 1935.

We will also point out that the frequencies used in this instrument were transferred from the Rife Ray #3 to the Rife Ray #4 after Dr. Rife and Philip Hoyland read the fundamental frequencies. We have in the document "Development of the Rife Ray" a description of this instrument:

"In 1935 an entirely new application of the old principle was incorporated in an instrument built under the direction of Commander Rife by Philip Hoyland of Pasadena California. The new instrument was light socket powered and had an output of 500 Watts. Designated #4. [Rife Ray #4] [Many of the power output measurements of Dr. Rife’s equipment were misread]. Furthermore it was equipped to deliver two distinct frequencies simultaneously and both variable. This apparatus proved to be more efficient with decidedly fewer factors of error in the laboratory tests using 75 pounds of horse meat." (Development of the Rife Ray and use in devitalizing pathogenic micro-organisms).

In the laboratory tests that were performed with the Rife Ray #4, they made many tests to determine its capability. Dr. Johnson talked about the many different aspects of the machine they had to test in a letter:

DR. JOHNSON: "Also, about this time, the new Rife Ray Machine [#4] had arrived at its point of construction when elaborate tests had to be made in order to synchronize the M.O.R. produced by it with the M.O.R. produced by the old machine [#3]. Now, we are in the throes of accurately charting the 14,000 possible settings on the new machine. Our next process, beginning next week, is to test its penetration, the time required in the different exposures, the different depths of lesions. So, take it altogether we are just about as busy as a bear in berrytime." (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Schram, dated September 25, 1935).

Dr. Rife's Single M.O.R. Frequency

The Rife Ray #4 instrument documents show it could put out two RF or radio frequencies simultaneously. Dr. Rife’s previous Kennedy Model 110 when connected to the Model 281 could output two frequencies simultaneously like the Rife Ray #4. It is apparent that Dr. Rife still wanted this capability in this new instrument. Dr. Rife from time to time would run one frequency on two organisms M.O.R.s. simultaneously. This is pointed out by Dr. Rife on the John Marsh Rife audio CD's:

RIFE: "We found the frequency of the virus, we found the frequency of the rod, which we had for years of course. But if we use the two of them simultaneously over the same carrier wave, the patient gets well and the Guinea pig gets well, but if you use one or either individually you either kill the patient or you don't do nothing." (Marsh collection, Rife audio CDs)

This statement from Dr. Rife also shows that each organism only requires a single frequency to devitalize it. The rod form of tuberculosis requires a different frequency than the virus form. In the above quote from Dr. Rife, he clearly states "frequency" for each organism, not frequencies. Since his instrument could only output two variable frequencies at the same time this clearly shows that each organism has a single frequency as its M.O.R. In another statement when Dr. Rife was talking to John Crane about tuberculosis he said:

CRANE: "We have the frequency that will devitalize E. coli, don't we?"

"We have yes. And we have the frequency also that will devitalize the filterable form of B. coli which is not necessary. There is only one organism that we have to use two frequencies simultaneously, and that as we've spoken of before John, and that is the Bacillus of tuberculosis, where it has that so-called poison molecule of Von that is released by any known methods of devitalizing the organism and that's it."

Dr. Rife states in this quote that there is only one organism that needs two different frequencies to devitalize it. All the other organisms only need a single frequency to devitalize them. The reason that Tuberculosis needs two frequencies is due to the fact that Dr. Rife said both the rod form and the virus form must be devitalized at the same time or the virus form will feed on the dead body of the rod form causing the patient to die from toxemia.

Even with what Dr. Rife has said many have still believed that it took two frequencies to devitalize a single organism. This misunderstanding came about because Dr. Rife had two frequencies listed for each organism on his pre-1935 lab notes. From the reading of these documents, we can see this is not the case. It was the fact that he was using harmonics of the fundamental frequencies, prior to 1935, which lead to this misunderstanding. To further make the point that it only takes a single frequency to devitalize an organism we will read several more statements made by Dr. Rife:

RIFE: "The frequency of each bacteria is absolutely individual. They run through a very, very large gamut. Some of them are very, very broad, long. Some of them are not extremely short. There’s none of them what we call our ultra short wave that I have found yet." (Marsh collection, Rife audio CDs)

Dr. Dickland: "Is there a different frequency between cancer and tuberculosis?"

Rife: "Oh much. Every organism requires a different frequency owing to its own chemical constituents or its premodel cell or predominate chemical factor. " (Marsh collection, Rife audio CDs)

RIFE: "We found the frequency of the virus, we found the frequency of the rod, which we had for years of course." (Marsh collection, Rife audio CDs)

RIFE: "So we’re throwing an electronic frequency through the tissues of the body that simply devitalizes the bacteria with no harm to normal tissue." (Marsh collection, Rife audio CDs)

These statements clearly show again that each organism has its own frequency and that it only takes a single frequency to kill, devitalize or render it harmless. As we read other statements or documents you will easily be able to see that this understanding was plainly understood by Dr. Rife and all the other doctors that used his equipment.

Because this is a very important point that needs to be understood we will read a few more documents which contain added information on this subject. When the Rife Ray #4 was finally completed Dr. Johnson wrote a letter to Dr. Rife in which he made this observation:

DR. JOHNSON: "Maybe these Much glands are another form of the T.B. [tuberculosis] corresponding to our filter passing form and we will have to get an M.O.R. for them so as to destroy them at the same time that we do the rod form of tuberculosis....Now that we have a machine in which we can give two M.O.R's at one time, it would be easy to treat all forms of tuberculosis, both for the tubercle bacilli and the Much granules." (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Rife dated, September 12, 1935. Page 3).

Since the Rife Ray #4 only had two variable oscillators and each one was set on a different M.O.R frequency then it would only take one frequency to devitalize each organism. In another letter this same understanding is given:

DR. JOHNSON: "I would suggest that you set up a slide with a hanging drop planted with the cryptomyces pleomorphia. Set your machine and the microscope together. After it gets growing, start out and set one of the groups to the MOR of BX. Then with the other group, start with a certain switch on Group 2 beginning at zero. Give one minute exposure, wait about fifty minutes, and then see if there is any change. Then move the dial of Group 2 up to ten and give another exposure, waiting about fifty minutes and the examining it carefully. Go on that way throughout the dial and you will get through about one switch a day. Pretty soon you will find some setting that will kill the organism. Mind you, you are running at every exposure Group 1 on the BX MOR.

If you got this setting started, Jack could do the microscope work and if he got any change, he could call your attention to it. That would save your eyes and your time. It is very important that we find the MOR of this fungus before I start in with the clinical work in the hospital with this new machine." (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Rife dated, October 10, 1935).

When this letter was written they already had the frequency for the BX cancer virus and they were trying to find the frequency for the cryptomyces pleomorphia fungi. It is clearly pointed out that one oscillator was set on the BX organism and the second oscillator was being used to try and find the frequency for the cryptomyces pleomorphia fungi. Dr. Rife when speaking about the BX virus clearly states that it had a certain frequency, not frequencies:

RIFE: "If you don’t have an absolute coordinative resonance, you have nothing. One tenth of one meter off and you have nothing. It's got to be absolutely correct for that individual organism. It’s got to be precise...the virus of cancer has a certain frequency. And it has to be there, otherwise if it’s a little one way or the other, no good, no good for nothing." (John Marsh Rife CDs - CD 5 track 2, CD 6 track 2, CD 7 track 1 and CD 9 track 1)

There are even more documented examples which show that only one frequency is needed for each organism. From the horse meat tests done with the Rife Ray #4 we read:

"The test being ready, the No. 4 Rife Ray Machine was set for the MOR of B. Typhosis (rod) and also for the filter-passing form. It was turned on for an exposure of three minutes at 400 watts..." (Test of the No. 4 Rife Ray Machine, Page 2).

The frequency listed on the Rife Ray #4 documents for B. Typhosis rod form is 760,000 Hertz and the frequency for the B. Typhosis filter-passing virus form is 1,445,000 Hertz. This document also confirms that only one frequency is needed for each organism to devitalize it.

There is one more document that we will look at. This document has the harmonic frequency of 11,780,000 Hertz for the BX frequency. The frequency that was read by Dr. Rife and Philip Hoyland was 1,604,000 Hertz. But in his lab papers, Dr. Rife listed only one frequency for devitalizing the BX virus.  Below is his statement:

RIFE: "Since experiments show that the Baccillus X [BX cancer virus] in form A exists in malignant tissue, it is theoretically possible to change the cycle to form B by application of the Argon Ray and vacuum conditions. After the cycle change has been accomplished (in theory), the application of the oscillative ray at a cycles per second vibration of 11,780,000 [fundamental frequency measured in 1935 was 1,604,000 Hertz] should completely destroy the B.X. in the malignant tissue." (Rife Research Laboratory lab note on the BX).

So that no one misunderstands this quote. It was the change of the Bacillus form from A to B using the Argon Ray and vacuum conditions that was the "theory" not the destroying of the B.X. using the 11,780,000 (frequency of 1,604,000 determined in 1935) Hertz. All these documents show that Dr. Rife found that only one frequency is required for each organism.

There is one other thing that apparently needs to be combined with the M.O.R. frequency and that is the pulsing of the waveform. When we discussed the Rife Ray #3 we talked about a fixed audio frequency pulsing circuit. The Rife Ray #4 also had a fixed audio frequency pulse circuit. The waveform that it output was shown in Dr. Rife’s lab film and is the next photo, shown below, on the right.

Dr. Rife's #4 instrument waveform

The other photo, shown above on the left, is a clearer photo of what a damped wave looks like. Below those two photos is drawing of what a damped waveform looks like. How Dr. Rife created this waveform was not known until a circuit from an original Beam Ray Laboratory Rife Machine was rebuilt. This circuit will be discussed in detail later in this paper when we cover that instrument.

Dr. Rife's Audio Pulsing Or Gating Circuit

Though we will discuss the building of this circuit later the importance of that fixed audio frequency pulsing circuit will be discussed now. The reason for this is it appears that without this pulsing circuit it was more difficult to devitalize an organism.

This audio frequency pulsing circuit was put into the Rife Ray #4 Rife Machine as a fixed audio frequency. It was not a variable audio frequency circuit. The Rife Ray #4 instrument documents show the #4 instrument had no variable audio oscillator which indicates that Dr. Rife believed that it was no longer necessary for M.O.R. work. But the fix audio pulsing circuit was absolutely necessary to be put into the instrument so that the high RF frequency M.O.R. frequencies were pulsed in order to help devitalize the various organisms. All of the frequencies that Dr. Rife and Philip Hoyland read from the Kennedy Model 110 and transferred to the Rife Ray #4 were RF frequencies and needed to be pulsed or gated. The lowest frequency was for Anthrax at 139,200 Hertz; the highest was 1,604,000 Hertz for the BX organism that caused cancer.

The Rife Ray #4 would have also been a sine wave instrument just as the Kennedy Company equipment was. Since the Rife Ray #4 had two high RF frequency oscillators it would allow for the oscillators to be set at two different M.O.R.s. This instrument was probably built much like the Beam Ray Laboratory instrument which connected the ray tube between the two RF oscillator tank coils. The reason for this is the fact that the bandwidth of the RF tank coils could only pass a frequency of about 250,000 hertz and Dr. Rife was using frequencies much higher than this.

Dr. Rife's Carrier Wave

We will now discuss Dr. Rife's use of a carrier wave in his instruments. This next statement by Dr. Rife verifies the fact that with the Kennedy equipment or Rife Ray #3 he used a carrier wave:

RIFE: "We found the frequency of the virus, we found the frequency of the rod, which we had for years of course. But if we use the two of them simultaneously over the same carrier wave, the patient gets well and the Guinea pig gets well, but if you use one or either individually you either kill the patient or you don't do nothing." (Marsh collection, Rife audio CDs)

Dr. Rife's mention of a carrier wave has lead to some confusion in the past because when we think of a carrier wave we think of a higher RF frequency that the lower RF or Audio frequencies would ride on or be modulated with. We talked about how Dr. Rife used a spark gap in the earlier years. Many spark gap instruments output an RF frequency close to 1 Megahertz which would have been lower than almost all of the frequencies used with the Rife Ray #4. This would mean it would not work like a typical modulated carrier wave, but it would light the ray tube as described in the "Development of the Rife Ray" document:

"And as the voltage at this point was quite small, it was found necessary to apply external voltage across the annode and cathod of the output tube to act as a carrier wave for the frequencies that were generated in the apparatus." (Development of the Rife Ray and use in devitalizing of pathogenic micro-organisms)

Dr. Rife's carrier wave was only used as a means to light the ray tube. The use of this high voltage RF carrier wave was used with both the Rife Ray #3 and #4 and was no longer used in the same manner in the next instrument which was built in the summer of 1936 when the new Beam Ray Clinical instrument was built. This change will be covered in the next chapter.

Dr. Rife used the Rife Ray #4 machine in his laboratory until he closed it down in about 1947. The 1936/1939 Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument was completed in the summer of 1936 and was the new design that was used by all the doctors. Dr. Johnson used his Rife Ray #4 instrument in at least two medical trials. He always had his patients sign a release card, shown below, in order to be treated with the frequencies output by the Rife Ray #4 instrument. To read about one of Dr. Johnson's clinics, click here.

Dr. Milbank Johnsons Release Card

Below, in the chart, are the sine wave frequencies read from the Kennedy Company equipment by Dr. Rife and Philip Hoyland. Those frequencies were taken from the Rife Ray #4 document and are listed in the first column of frequencies. Most people notice that all but one frequency is rounded to the nearest thousandth indicating that they did not try to narrow down the frequencies any closer than this. These frequencies were then used in the Rife Ray #4 instrument. We now know these frequencies were the frequencies used in the 1934 clinic since they were taken from the Rife Ray #3 instrument used in that clinic. Also included in the chart, in the second column of frequencies, are Mike Fayer's calculated frequencies taken from the old lab notes. You will notice that both columns of frequencies are very close showing that Dr. Rife was using the same frequencies. If you want a higher resolution copy of this chart, click here.

Rife Ray #4 Frequency Chart

The Rife Ray #4 document that the frequencies were taken from, to make the above chart, is located on this site on the Royal Rife Documents Page. This same document along with its additional page was mentioned in a letter written by Dr. Milbank Johnson to Dr. Rife dated October 15, 1935:

Dr. JOHNSON: "I am also inclosing a copy of a chart prepared for me by Phil [Philip Hoyland] which show the frequencies in kilocycles of the different M.O.R.’s we have worked with. Opposite these frequencies you will find the proper switch and settings on both groups. Now, in looking over the frequencies representing the M.O.R. of certain organisms, I find that the typhoid rod has 760 kc. And just above that you will find that the typhoid filter passing has 1445 kc. - that is almost an exact harmonic of the rod. Assuming that the banana might represent the rod form of the cryptomyces pleomorphia - on the same plan let us assume that the B.X. is the filter passing form of this organism. If that is so, we should kill the rod, it being the harmonic of the rod form, at 800 kc. [this statement verifies that the BX M.O.R. frequency was 1.604 kc. - or 1,604,000 Hertz because 800 kc. times two would almost be the BX M.O.R.]. This 800 kc. Will come in group No. 2 on switch 6. A reference to the proper chart under Group No. 2 would give the exact setting to get 800 kc. This is just a chance and I have no assurance that it will work out, but I think it is worth trying so I think I would try on switch 6 in Group N. 2 for your first effort to kill the fungus, or rather to kill the bananas." (Letter from Dr. Milbank Johnson to Dr. Rife, October 15, 1935)

This letter and the Rife Ray #4 document confirm that Dr. Rife was reading harmonics of his frequencies prior to 1935 and that each organism only has a single frequency as its M.O.R. The letter also shows that they were using the individual single frequencies read by Dr. Rife and Philip Hoyland when he came to Dr. Rife's lab.

Chapter Summary: The Rife Ray #4 was built in 1935 at the request of Dr. Milbank Johnson because he wanted an instrument that was in the comforts of a single cabinet. It had the highest frequency range and power output of any of Dr. Rife's machines. There were only two of these machines built. The first one was built for Dr. Milbank Johnson and the second one was built for Dr. Rife. The frequencies used in this machine were the same frequencies that were used with the Rife Ray #3. Each organism only required one frequency to devitalize it. Like the Rife Ray #3, the Rife Ray #4 used a fixed audio frequency pulsing or gating circuit to create a high potential voltage rise in the RF M.O.R frequency to help devitalize the organism treated with the instrument. The Rife Ray #4 was used by Dr. Milbank Johnson in at least two clinical trials.

The frequencies used in Rife Ray #4 were used to create the next version of Dr. Rife's machine. We will look at that machine in the next chapter.