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Chapter #23

Is the Light Wand Really a Rife Machine?

Many people wonder, “Is the Light Stream Wand really a Rife Machine?” The answer to that question is no. This is due to the fact that it does not work on any of Dr. Rife’s machine principles. The information in this chapter is given so the reader can make up their own mind about the answer to this question. In some of the written advertising material about the Light Stream Wand, they claim that it is a "Rife Machine", and in some of their other written material they claim it is not a "Rife Machine." The two quotes below, show the contradiction in their claims.

1. “Light Stream Devices are not Rife Machines.”

2. “The Worlds Most Advanced PEMF Rife Machine.”

The reader can see that in one quote they claim that their Light Wand is a “Rife Machine” and in the other one, it is not a Rife Machine. We will actually show, by their own statements, that it is not a “Rife Machine” and it can only output 2 of Dr. Rife’s original frequencies. Anyone looking at the Light Wand can see that it is not a plasma tube, metal antenna or any other form of electrode used by the many so-called “Rife Machine” builders. So their method of delivering the frequencies with the Light Wand is not the method that has been used successfully for the past 62 years. The reader will quickly discover that, like many others, they are only using Dr. Rife’s name as a sales tool. Without his name their sales market for the wand would be so small they wouldn’t be able to sale very many of their instruments. This is the reason Dr. Rife said he did not want his name put on any machine.

In chapter 4 of this report called “Are Dr. Rife’s RF frequencies safe to use” we showed the proof that Dr. Rife’s use of radio frequencies and an RF radio carrier frequency was safe to use. If the reader has not read chapter 4 of this report, we suggest that you read it so you will know this important fact. This information is important because in the Light Wand written material they claim the radio frequencies and the radio frequency carrier method Dr. Rife used are not safe. Before we read their quotes we will here in this chapter again give some of the quotes from chapter 4 that establish Dr. Rife’s method was safe to use. The only reason they make these claims is to promote sales of their Light Wand because they cannot compete with an RF Rife type instrument. Here are two quotes from Dr. Rife:

RIFE: “I stood in front of that thing for thirty years finding these different [radio] frequencies that devitalize these different bacteria. And that thing [RF ray tube] was shooting on me right here [his chest], but it is absolutely harmless to normal tissue and each individual bacteria requiring a different frequency to devitalize.” (John Marsh Rife CDs). 

To listen to Dr. Rife's actual voice making this statement from the Rife CD's click here.

RIFE: “I have operated the frequency instrument since 1921. I have watched it advance in style and performance with the advancement of electronics. In the many years, I have used this equipment in my research, I have never suffered an injury or any ill effects whatsoever. I found it reliable in performance and efficient in results.” (Letter from Dr. Rife to Dr. Justin Stein, July 2, 1956).

The doctors back in the 1930s/1950s that used Dr. Rife’s machines wanted the instruments tested for any harmful radiation before they would be willing to use them on their patients. Those tests were done which proved the instruments were safe to use. In 1958 a letter was sent to the Department of Public Health in California from "Radiation Detection Co.” that tested the instrument. We quote:

RAY TUBE DOCUMENT: "No X-Rays and No ionizing radiation are emitted by the X-Ray Tube [Plasma Ray Tube filled with Helium gas] while the discharge is taking place. Measurements are made close to the glass envelope of the tube both with a Nuclear Model 2611 Geiger-Muller Survey Meter, as well as with a sensitive Lauritsen Electroscope of the integrating type. No radiation above background was detected by either of these instruments.

Since this (Frequency Instrument) X-Ray tube contains some gas, a discharge occurs and the electrodes become hot. It must be emphasized, however, that energizing the tube under these conditions does not produce any X-Rays. As a physicist, I can state that this would have no significant effect upon any body placed nearby. This device is a low powered radio transmitter equipped with a "Ray Tube" which produces no X-Rays. Its construction is typical of radio gear, whose dials merely change audio-modulation frequency of the radio carrier. The instrument's construction is typical of radio transmitters and is not capable of producing any other known form of radiation.

The above information extracted from the reports by these outstanding sources and scientific laboratories proves conclusively that the Ray Tube envelope or any distance away from it, the Ray Tubes of the Frequency Instrument are SAFE TO USE on human patients or animals without limitations.” (Signed: D.C. Kalbfell Ph.D, President, 16 Aug 58. Data for: Calif. State Board of Public Health, Berkeley, California).

A follow-up letter from Radiation Detection Co. was sent to Mr. Frank Stead, Dept. of Public Health State of Calif. Berkeley on July 30, 1958. Here is a quote from that letter:

RADIATION DETECTION CO: "As requested I have reviewed the information provided by your office on the AZ-58 Freq. Inst. from the view point of possible hazards from ionizing and or radio frequency radiations. Based primarily on the data given in the report of the 3D Testing Labs Inc. Material Engineering Report dated June 18, 1958, it is my opinion that the instrument does not produce hazardous quantities of ionizing and or radio frequency." (Letter from Francis R. Holden, PhD President Radiation Detection Co. to Mr. Frank Stead, Dept. of Public Health State of Calif. Berkeley).

In 1972 John Marsh had the same type of test done on the ray tube at the request of the doctors who wanted to use his newer style ray tube instrument model JLMSQ-1A which replace the 1950's, AZ-58 model. The company that performed this test was the "AccureX Mobile Inspection Service Radiographic Laboratory." This company also used film to test for X-radiation and we have included photos of this film. All of the tests were performed at "Beach Aircraft Facilities." We quote from that document:

ACCUREX: "Unit was energized for five (5) minutes at 2128 cps and monitored with Gieger Counter and Gamma Survey meter. No X-radiation registered. Film packets were placed in contact with the tube...and in various other points of contact within the console...and in contact with the power supply. The unit was energized for twenty (20) minutes. Film was developed for six (6) minutes at 20 degrees C in new Ansco Liquidol developer and new Ansco Liquifix fixing solution. After wash film was dried in normal procedures. No darkening of film due to X-radiation was shown. Film was clear.

The conclusion is that unit...and its components DO NOT emit detectable X-radiation when checked with standard instrumentation." (AccureX Mobile Inspection Service Radiographic Laboratory document. Click here for Film photos showing no X-Ray radiation).

These quotes and the information which was given show that the RF radio frequencies and (RF) radio carrier frequency method Dr. Rife used was safe. Since all of Dr. Rife’s frequencies, but two, were (RF) radio frequencies then how can the Light Wand that does not output any (RF) radio frequencies possibly be a “Rife Machine.” In fact, the makers of the Light Wand condemn the use of the very frequencies and method Dr. Rife used, we quote:

1. “We only use RIFE frequencies with deep pulsed magnetic waves, avoiding the controversial harmful radio waves as carrier waves.”

2. “[The inventor] discovered that RIFE frequencies are not radio waves in themselves, and does not need to be carried by the controversial radio waves, thus it is safer to use with the Light Stream System while you still get the complete benefits from Rife frequencies!”

The inventor of the Light Wand without any scientific proof wants everyone to believe that he somehow “discovered that RIFE frequencies are not radio waves” even though all of them are in the radio frequency range, but two. The burden of proof is always upon the person or persons making the claim. In this case, they give no scientific proof, only just believe me because I say it is so. Dr. Rife spent over 30 years in his laboratory finding the frequencies that would devitalize microorganisms. He said he started in the low audio range and worked his way up through the various frequency ranges until he found a frequency that would devitalize a microorganism. Only 2 of the approximately 50 plus frequencies are in the audio range. All of the rest are in the (RF) radio frequency range. Those frequencies range from 15,779 Hertz to 17,033,000 Hertz or cycles per second. Below is a link to a page with Dr. Rife’s (RF) frequencies. 

Dr. Rife's True Original Frequencies 

People can make up whatever they want to believe, but this still will not change the fact that all of Dr. Rife’s frequencies, but two, were radio frequencies. Unless a person has an instrument that can output Dr. Rife’s radio frequencies they will not be using his frequencies. At the time of this writing, they have no actual written technical specifications for their Light Wand. You have to carefully go through their information in order to find what we found. The one thing that is known for sure is the Light Wand does not output any “radio waves.” This means their Light Wand is only capable of outputting low audio frequencies from about 20 Hertz to about 20,000 Hertz. Here are their quotes that verify this fact:

1. “The Light stream wand converts sound frequencies into an electromagnetic field with a radius of 3-6 feet around the device.”

2. “We only use RIFE frequencies with deep pulsed magnetic waves, avoiding the controversial harmful radio waves as carrier waves.”

3. “You will need an amplifier and CD player, DVD Player, or I-pad device to run this."

4. “You connect your i-pad or i-pod mini audio out to your amplifier and connect wand cable to your Left or right speaker out line!”

5. “Compressed the waves into the audible spectrum (20 to 20,000 hertz) of the human ear.”

Above is an audio frequency range graph covering this 20,000 Hertz frequency range. These five quotes clearly show that their Light Wand frequency range is limited to the low audio frequency range. They play music into the Light Wand so all audio frequencies are in this range. In fact, they sell many different frequency CDs sets and make all kinds of un-provable claims about there benefit.  
We specifically used their own quotes, to show by their own words, that the Light Wand cannot output any of Dr. Rife’s (RF) radio frequencies which he found for microorganisms. Regardless of what is claimed their Light Wand can only output two of the more than 50 plus Rife’s frequencies. And yet they still make this claim. We Quote:

“10,000 wellness frequencies. The most Rife frequencies on any system.”

This claim is incorrect because all of the so-called Rife Machines have at least a 10,000 to 20,000 Hertz range. This means they do not have the “most frequencies on their system.” Some of these instruments go up as high as 3 or 4 million Hertz and one goes all the way up to 20 million. Dr. Rife’s laboratory notes show he was producing frequencies as high as about 18 million Hertz with his Rife Ray #3. His Rife Ray #4 had a frequency range that went to 22.5 million Hertz. It should be clear that this claim is incorrect and they are only using the “Rife Machine” name in their advertising in order to sell their Light Wand. They cannot, and do not have the capability to output more than 2 of Dr. Rife’s original frequencies. We clearly again point out that they state this in their advertisements “Light Stream Devices are not Rife Machines.”

Dr. Rife only used three different waveforms sine, square and damped. The 1936/1939 Rife Ray #5 and the 1950s AZ-58 used audio frequencies and the waveform used with those audio frequencies was a square wave. Since music CDs are used with the Light Wand then it is doubtful that it is using a square wave waveform which was found to be the most effective waveform with low audio frequencies. With low audio frequencies, it is the square wave harmonics that make this waveform work so well.

What is really misleading is they have been making incorrect comparison videos of their Light Wand against many different so-called Rife Machines which can actually output most of Dr. Rife’s frequencies. Anyone watching these comparison videos should contact the company that builds the instrument they are comparing their Light Wand against and give them a fair chance to give them the correct information about their instrument. Anyone who is really looking for a Rife type instrument is also looking for an instrument that has the capability of outputting Dr. Rife frequencies. Those instruments will either be using the proven metal hand-cylinder electrode method or the RF Plasma tube method. The plasma tube is actually a plasma tube antenna that allows the frequencies to be broadcast through the air to the person receiving the frequencies. The plasma tube also eliminates the necessity of having a tuned antenna to output the frequencies. The glass also makes it safe because if you just happen to touch a metal antenna with 50-watts or more power output you could be seriously harmed or killed. So the plasma gas is very important when using high power levels. The Light Wand does not have this capability. It is apparent that the makers of the Light Wand do not understand the importance or real function of a plasma tube. This is apparent because they state the following about a plasma tube. Quote:

“Plasma Transmission contains Inert Gas, not beneficial to health.” 

“The plasma transmission..., not beneficial to health” would only be true if you are using a low power metal electrode type of Rife instrument, since this style does not use a plasma tube. Another thing that the plasma tube produces is harmonics from the frequency that is put into it. In the spectrum analysis graph, shown below, you can see how the harmonics of 1,604,000 go up to over 20 million Hertz because of the plasma tube gas.

It should be apparent to the reader the method of producing frequencies output by the Light Wand is not the method Dr. Rife used. Also, the audio frequency range used by the Light Wand does not produce the (RF) frequencies Dr. Rife used to devitalize the various microorganisms. It does not matter what they may claim, without any scientific proof, that the inventor “discovered that RIFE frequencies are not radio waves in themselves.” The fact is, all but two of Dr. Rife’s frequencies are “radio waves” and nothing can change this fact. Almost all of the claims that are made about the Light Wand have no scientific proof backing them. They also make many claims about Crystals since they use them, with and without the Light Wand. Below is a combination of their quotes, showing their many un-provable claims along with some very interesting beliefs:

“The Light Stream System combines 5 powerful health technologies into one: Rife Frequencies, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field), Phase-Conjugation Electromagnetic Vortex Fields, Piezoelectric Ruby, Tourmaline, Quartz Ions, and Quantum Restructuring Waveforms...Quantum Physics [or Quantum Entanglement]. This is the basis of modern PEMF technology. Nature's Healing at Your Fingertips: 122 Quantum frequencies. Over 10,000 powerful frequencies hidden in nature are now decoded and accessible to you...Stones have a great hidden purpose in nature. They possess a great untapped power. They have memory! Stones hold vibrations and they can transmit vibrations! Using a series of 5 quantum energy generators, we can now place religious or natural harmonic vibrations into stone, crystal or natural materials. These were not ordinary stones, but stones that stored spiritual vibrations. Through the years [the inventor] has had face-to-face encounters with Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Archangel Michael, Celestial Beings and as well as many other ascended masters. He attains "samadhi", one of the highest levels of consciousness and spiritual awareness (an outer-body experience) almost on demand. It was through these visions and messages that have led him to the decoding of ancient technologies hidden in the Great Pyramids, the Ark of the covenant, and the Staff of Moses. Using quantum technology, we are able to put a zero-point energy conduit, healing or spiritual prayer vibrations in our jewelry. This jewelry carries a vibration that can scientifically be measured by anyone who touches it. Quantum Vibrational Jewelry is Energized and Treated with the elds of the Quantum Universe's Energy. These are our basic pendant designs with stone technology.”

It is hard to even comment on these odd beliefs and claims. We will let the reader make up their own mind about many of them. We will only talk about Piezoelectric Crystals and Quantum Entanglement. Piezoelectric Crystals used in jewelry do not work the way they claim. To read all of the information about how Crystals can scientifically produce frequencies or electricity read chapter 21 and watch the video links. Crystals are always in a constant neutral state, and when they are in this state they cannot produce either electricity or frequencies. If they are put under mechanical pressure they will produce electricity. If a Crystal, cut on a specific angle, has metal plates with wires put on the opposite sides of the crystal, it can then produce frequencies. Without these metal plates and wires, nothing can be produced. Then electrical alternating current (AC) has to be put into the Crystal using the wires to produce ultrasound frequencies. If the electrical current is stopped, the Crystal stops producing the frequencies. This is scientifically how piezoelectric crystals produce frequencies. If their Crystal jewelry is not cut on the correct angle and has electrical (AC) alternating current put into it, then the jewelry will not produce any frequencies for the person wearing it. This is why their claims have no scientific basis about how Piezoelectic Crystals work.

Now we will discuss the science of Quantum Entanglement. “Quantum Entanglement” is real and is scientifically provable and measurable. But, how some claim it works is false. To read all of the information about how “Quantum Entanglement” scientifically works please read chapter 20 of this report and watch the video links. In a nutshell “Quantum Entanglement” is a ONE TIME, ONE DIRECTION, faster than light communication between atoms, electrons or photons. People claim that DNA is “Entangled” and that you can take a fingernail clipping that has a person’s DNA and treat the clipping with frequencies and the person will also be treated no matter the distance that separates the clipping from the person. The problem is some Rife manufacturers read a little information about “Quantum Entanglement”, without reading all of the scientific facts, and came up with a false belief that a frequency can bi-directionally sent back and forth through “Quantum Entangled” partials including DNA.

Had they actually studied all the facts they would have understood scientifically how it works. All of the scientific tests prove it is a ONE TIME, ONE DIRECTION communication that only happens one time. It cannot carry any useful information such as a frequency. The only information that is communicated between the two “Entangled” particles is their “angular momentum and orientation.” Once this information is sent from one particle to the other particle, the communication stops. This is why the “Quantum Entanglement” claims are false when it comes to Rife frequencies. People should read about this information before they accept this false thinking. We took the time to study all about “Quantum Entanglement,” also called “Spooky Action at a Distance” and put this information in this report so people will have the correct understanding so that they do not get fooled into believing an incorrect theory that is easily proven false

Chapter Summary: The Light Wand is not a Rife machine as stated in their own words: “Light Stream Devices are not Rife Machines.” It only has the capability to output 2 of Dr. Rife’s 50 plus frequencies because those 50 plus frequencies are all (RF) radio frequencies. It only outputs audio frequencies as also stated in their own words: “We only use RIFE frequencies with deep pulsed magnetic waves, avoiding the controversial harmful radio waves as carrier waves.” All of the frequencies Dr. Rife used are in the lower safe (RF) radio frequency band covering the AM radio band up into the HAM radio band. Dr. Rife’s machines were laboratory tested to be safe to use on people. Their Piezoelectric Crystals and crystal jewelry cannot output frequencies as claimed. There are basic scientific laws that govern how crystals can produce frequencies and these laws must be followed in order for this to work. They do not follow those laws. “Quantum Entanglement” has been scientifically proven to exist but it does not work the way people claim. “Quantum Entanglement” of DNA is has been scientifically proven to be false because “Quantum Entanglement” is a ONE TIME, ONE DIRECTION communication between two entangled particles. Once this communication has taken place no further communication ever takes place again.

In chapter 24 we will discuss the differences in Dr. Rife’s RF method and the new EMF Method.