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Dr. Rife's True Original Frequencies

Dr. Rife and Philip Hoyland
with a 1938 Beam Ray Machine



1938 Beam Ray Rife Machine
An Original 1938-39 Beam
Ray Machine found back in 2008

Dr. Rife's Original Frequencies

The frequencies found on this page are the frequencies you need to know when looking to purchase a frequency generator. Dr. Rife’s true original frequencies found on this page are not based on supposition, but hard evidence gathered from all the known Rife documents and the actual analysis of three original Rife machines that have been found. It is interesting to note that the frequencies stayed the same with all the instruments. It was only the method of producing the frequencies which changed from the Rife Ray #4 to the Rife Ray #5. After reading this page you will want to read "Dr. Rife and Philip Hoyland's 3.30 MHz sweep" page.

Below, listed in the first chart, are Dr. Rife's 1936 high RF frequencies which were calculated from Philip Hoyland's sideband method of generating Dr. Rife's original frequencies. It contains the most accurate primary frequencies of Dr. Rife’s true frequencies or M.O.R.s taken from a replica of one of the original Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical machines which were built in 1938 for the Beam Ray Corporation. The term M.O.R. stands for "Mortal Oscillatory Rate" or the frequency that will devitalize, kill or render harmless the harmful microorganism.

Dr. Rife 1936 High RF Frequencies


Rife Newspaper Article

The Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument, shown above in the May 5, 1938 newspaper, was designed and built in the summer of 1936 by Philip Hoyland who was Dr. Rife's engineer. This machine went into full production in the spring of 1938 when the Beam Ray Corporation was formed. The new Beam Ray Clinical machine was the only Rife Machine that was ever sold to doctors. The new Beam Ray Clinical machine was also using a new method, designed By Philip Hoyland, which produced Dr. Rife’s high RF frequencies through the use of a Low Q circuit which produced high RF harmonic sideband frequencies. These high RF sideband frequencies were created by using a high RF carrier frequency modulated with low audio frequencies. The low audio frequencies were not the treatment frequencies but they created the high RF (RF = Radio Frequency) sideband treatment frequencies from the high RF carrier frequency. If the low audio frequencies which produced the sideband frequencies were off more than several Hertz or frequencies the sideband method would not work. Because of this problem, Philip Hoyland made sure that he used the most accurate audio frequencies that would put the sideband frequencies, which devitalized the disease organisms, in the middle of their window of vulnerability.

Dr. Rife found that every disease organism has a frequency range in which it can be affected and this is what we will call its "Window of vulnerability." It appears that Philip Hoyland wanted to make sure that each sideband frequency that would devitalize a disease organism was as close to the middle of this window of vulnerability as he could get it. The sideband method that Philip Hoyland used was considered the cutting edge of radio technology in 1936 when he developed this new Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical machine for Dr. Rife. When people hear about the famous 1934 clinic where 16 patients, some having cancer and some having tuberculosis, recovered, it was these primary frequencies that were used. You will notice in the chart below that none of Dr. Rife's original frequencies are low audio frequencies. His frequencies range from 139,200 Hertz for Anthrax to 1,607,450 Hertz for the BX Cancer virus. Dr. Rife did not use low audio frequencies on these organisms to devitalize or render them harmless. The audio frequencies were used only to produce the high RF sideband frequencies. It was these high RF sideband frequencies that devitalized the microorganisms. Dr. Rife always used high RF (Radio frequencies) on these organisms. To see the original 1935 document from Dr. Rife's lab showing the original high RF primary frequencies click here.

Below, in the second chart, are Dr. Rife's 1935 frequencies that were used in his Rife Ray #3 and Rife Ray #4 Rife Machines. These frequencies were read in 1935 by Dr. Rife and his engineer, Philip Hoyland, from Dr. Rife's Rife Ray #3 instrument using a master oscillator. These frequencies ranged from 139,200 Hertz for Anthrax to 1,604,000 Hertz for the BX Cancer virus. The reason there is a slight difference in the frequencies of the first chart, shown above, and the second chart, shown below, is Philip Hoyland, who was Dr. Rife's engineer, fine-tuned the frequencies in 1936 so that he would have the most accurate frequencies for use in the new Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument.

Dr. Rife's 1935 Frequency List

Though it appears that the 1936 frequencies are the more accurate frequencies anyone looking at these two frequency charts should understand that both charts represent the same M.O.R.s. You will notice, in the chart below, that all but one of these frequencies were rounded to the nearest thousandth indicating that Philip Hoyland probably did not take several readings of each frequency in 1935. Had he taken several readings of each frequency this list would have been more accurate rather than the frequencies having been rounded to the nearest thousandth. Because of the slight difference between the frequencies in these charts, anyone using them would want to cover both sets of frequencies, by sweeping from one frequency to the other, just to make sure that they did not miss the M.O.R. frequency they were trying to hit. To again see the original 1935 document from Dr. Rife's lab showing the original 1935 frequencies click here.

Now that it is understood why these two frequency charts are slightly different we will again look at the 1936 chart, or the first chart on this page that has the more accurate high RF frequencies. As we pointed out these more accurate high RF frequencies were obtained from the original audio frequencies used in the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical machine which produced the harmonic sideband frequencies which devitalized the harmful microorganisms.

In the next chart, shown below, are the higher audio frequencies that were used by Philip Hoyland in the original Beam Ray Clinical machine to produce, through harmonic sidebands, the more accurate high RF frequencies. Again we will point out that these high audio frequencies, shown in the chart below, were the frequencies used to create the 1936 chart of Dr. Rife's high RF frequencies. People have mistakenly used these higher audio frequencies believing that they were Dr. Rife’s original primary frequencies. They made this mistake because they did not know that these high audio frequencies had to be used with a harmonic carrier frequency of 3.30 Megahertz (3,300,000 Hertz) to produce through harmonic sidebands Dr. Rife original high RF frequencies.

Wrong audio frequencies

For the reader's understanding, we will give a condensed version of how this mistake came about. The audio frequencies that were used in the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical Rife machines came about because Dr. Rife's engineer, Philip Hoyland, used audio frequencies to create high RF frequency sidebands that would hit higher harmonics of Dr. Rife's original high RF frequencies. It was the high RF sideband frequency created by the audio frequency which would then devitalize or kill the harmful microorganism. Philip Hoyland also used in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument a new M.O.P.A (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier) circuit design. It was this new low Q circuit design which created the high RF sideband frequencies for each organism.

To date, we know that Philip Hoyland used two different carrier frequencies, 3.30 and 3.80 Megahertz, in his Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical Instruments. It is possible that he also used other carrier frequencies with other machines he built. Below is a photo of another Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical machine which may have used a different carrier other than 3.30 or 3.80 Megahertz.

1938 Beam Ray Rife Machine

In one of the original 1938 Beam Ray Clinical instruments we have discussed, Philip Hoyland used a 3.30 Megahertz fixed RF harmonic carrier frequency in combination with the different audio frequencies shown in the above chart. But neither the 3.30 Megahertz carrier frequency nor the audio frequencies will do anything by themselves. But when the 3.30 Megahertz RF harmonic carrier frequency and the low audio frequencies are combined or modulated together they will produce many harmonic sideband frequencies. It was one of these harmonic sideband frequencies which would line up with a higher harmonic of Dr. Rife's primary M.O.R frequency and devitalize or render harmless the harmful microorganism. In the spectrum analysis graph, taken from the original 1938 Beam Ray Clinical machine found in 2008, you can see these sideband frequencies created by Philip Hoyland's low audio frequencies. The carrier frequency was 3.800 Megahertz and is represented by the highest frequency spike shown in the graph. The sidebands are all of the other lower frequency spikes shown in the graph.

Beam Ray Spectrum Graph

Because this information is so IMPORTANT we need to re-emphasize this fact so that no one who reads this information misunderstands. If you just use the audio frequencies by themselves you will not produce Dr. Rife's frequencies. If you just use the 3.30 Megahertz RF carrier frequency without the correct audio frequencies (shown above in the chart) you will not produce Dr. Rife's frequencies. The correct audio frequencies used in this instrument MUST be combined with an RF carrier frequency of 3.30 Megahertz or they are useless and will not produce any of Dr. Rife's high RF frequencies. It is the high RF sideband frequencies that are produced by the combining or modulating of the audio frequencies and the 3.30 MHz fixed carrier frequency that killed or devitalized the microorganisms. Because this interaction between the audio frequencies and the 3.30 Megahertz RF carrier frequency was not understood, it is the reason the 1950’s Beam Ray Clinical replica instrument called the AZ-58 did not work to its full capability.

Philip Hoyland used these higher low audio frequencies so that he could hide Dr. Rife's true frequencies. The reason he had to hide Dr. Rife's true frequencies is due to the fact that Dr. Rife could not patent his Machine or his frequencies. Dr. Rife's machines were standard frequency generating equipment of his day. The technology of generating frequencies had been in the public domain for many years and this kept Dr. Rife from patenting his machine. To learn the complete story of his instruments read “The Rife Machine Report" on this site. If you want to know the complete story about these higher audio frequencies then read Chapter 11 of "The Rife Machine Report".

The frequencies that Dr. Rife found for the various microorganisms were also considered un-patentable because they naturally occur in nature. The FCC actually has imminent domain over all frequencies in the U.S. and only licenses there use. Because there was no patent protection Philip Hoyland found a way to hide Dr. Rife's true frequencies using audio frequencies to create the proper high RF frequencies, using sidebands. Because Philip Hoyland used this high RF frequency sideband method to hide Dr. Rife's true frequencies, never revealing it to Dr. Rife or anyone else, is the reason why people have wrongly believed that these higher low audio frequencies were Dr. Rife's true primary frequencies that would eliminate the diseases.

Because of what has been explained people today still use these higher low audio frequencies wrongly believing that they are Dr. Rife's true frequencies. They do not understand that they have to be used with a 3.30 Megahertz harmonic carrier frequency to produce Dr. Rife’s true frequencies. To learn the complete historical information about how this happened read the entire document on this site called "The Rife Machine Report". To learn about the full potential of this Beam Ray Clinical machine read "Dr. Rife and Philip Hoyland's 3.30 MHz sweep" page. The full potential of this Beam Ray Clinical instrument is just beginning to be understood.

There was another secret that Philip Hoyland would not reveal when he built the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument. When he developed this new type of Beam Ray Clinical instrument he did not use Dr. Rife’s original M.O.R. frequencies that were used in the Rife Ray #3 or the Rife Ray #4. What he did was use higher harmonic frequencies based on Dr. Rife’s original M.O.R. frequencies. It is clear that Dr. Rife knew and talked about the fact that his frequencies were sub-harmonics of true higher frequencies. Philip Hoyland must have listened to Dr. Rife talk about how his frequencies were just sub-harmonics of true higher frequencies and realized that he could use these higher harmonics as the new M.O.R. frequencies in a new instrument. It is also apparent that Philip Hoyland found through testing that every one of Dr. Rife's frequencies was a sub-harmonic of a true higher frequency. With this understanding and knowledge that every higher harmonic of Dr. Rife's frequencies could be used as a M.O.R. Philip Hoyland built-in 1936 the new Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument and used these higher harmonic frequencies as the new primary frequencies in the new machines.

In the next three charts, shown below, you will see Dr. Rife’s primary frequencies and the many harmonic frequencies that can also be used as primary frequencies. The first frequency listed under each organism is Dr. Rife’s primary frequency for that organism. The frequencies with the single asterisk* were used as the primary frequencies in the Aubrey Scoon Beam Ray Clinical instrument replica which used the 3.30 Megahertz fixed carrier frequency. The frequencies with the double-asterisk** were used as the primary frequencies in the Original Beam Ray Clinical instrument found in 2008 which used a 3.80 megahertz fixed carrier frequency. Some of the same frequencies were used in both machines and those have both the single and double asterisks.

Because of the discoveries of Dr. Rife and Philip Hoyland's use of harmonic frequencies we know that every frequency shown in these three charts, up to the 20th harmonic, could be used as a primary frequency M.O.R. for these organisms. Those who have a frequency generator that can output these frequencies may want to use these frequencies. Please keep in mind that Philip Hoyland used the frequencies as high as the 20th harmonic, on some organisms, in his Beam Ray Clinical instruments. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that harmonics higher than this could be used. How high harmonics can be used is not known. If you want a higher resolution copy of these three charts click on, Chart 1, Chart 2, Chart 3.

Dr. Rife's Harmonic M.O.R.s. Chart
Dr. Rife's Harmonic M.O.R.s. Chart #2
Dr. Rife's Harmonic M.O.R.s. Chart #3

Because the sideband method that Philip Hoyland used in the Beam Ray instrument is somewhat difficult to understand, we have created some sideband charts below that will make it easier to understand. In the next chart, shown below, we will show how the Beam Ray Clinical M.O.P.A. instrument produced the BX cancer virus (carcinoma) primary frequency of 3,214,900 hertz. The original Beam Ray Clinical instrument not only had the capability to produce sidebands but it also could produce harmonic sidebands. The ability of this instrument to produce harmonic sidebands made it possible for Philip Hoyland to use a fixed carrier frequency of 3.30 Megahertz (3,300,000 Hertz) and modulate (combine) that carrier frequency with an audio frequency of 21,275 Hertz to produce the BX cancer virus primary frequency of 3,214,900 Hertz (this was Dr. Rife's primary BX frequency of 1,607,450 Hertz multiplied by 2). What happens in the Beam Ray instrument is the audio frequency of 21,275 Hertz creates many sideband frequencies exactly 21,275 Hertz apart. The 4th lower sideband frequency that is created from 21,275 Hertz is the BX cancer virus's primary frequency of 3,214,900 Hertz. Using this method Philip Hoyland was able to use audio frequencies modulated or combined with a 3.30 Megahertz carrier frequency to produce through sidebands, all of Dr. Rife's primary frequencies.

PLEASE NOTE: Every line except the 3.30 MHz Carrier frequency line, represents a sideband frequency. We did not put the frequency down for every sideband so that we could clearly show the sideband frequency that produced the correct frequency that would devitalize or render harmless the microorganism.

BX Sideband Chart

In the next chart, shown below, we will show how the Beam Ray Clinical M.O.P.A. instrument produced the BY cancer organism (sarcoma) primary frequency of 3,059,040 Hertz (Dr. Rife's Primary BY organism frequency of 1,529,520 Hertz multiplied by 2) by using an audio frequency of 20,080. The audio frequency of 20,080 Hertz creates many sideband frequencies exactly 20,080 Hertz apart. The 12th lower sideband frequency that is created from 20,080 Hertz is the BY cancer organism's primary frequency of 3,059,040 Hertz.

BY Sideband Chart

In the next chart, shown below, we will show how the Beam Ray Clinical M.O.P.A. instrument produced the Streptothrix primary frequency of 3,260,650 Hertz (Dr. Rife's Primary Streptothrix frequency of 191,803 Hertz multiplied by 17) by using an audio frequency of 7,870 Hertz. The audio frequency of 7,870 Hertz creates many sideband frequencies exactly 7,870 Hertz apart. The 5th lower sideband frequency that is created from 7,870 Hertz is the Streptothrix primary frequency of 3,260,650 Hertz.

Streptothrix Sideband Chart

The next sideband chart, shown below, shows how the Beam Ray Clinical M.O.P.A. instrument produced the E. Coli primary frequency of 3,332,080 Hertz (Dr. Rife's Primary E. Coli frequency of 416,510 Hertz multiplied by 8) by using an audio frequency of 8,020 Hertz. The audio frequency of 8,020 Hertz creates many sideband frequencies exactly 8,020 Hertz apart. The 4th upper sideband frequency that is created from 8,020 Hertz is the E. Coli primary frequency of 3,332,080 Hertz.

E Coli Sideband Chart

In the final sideband chart, shown below, we will show how the Beam Ray Clinical M.O.P.A. instrument produced the Pneumonia primary frequency of 3,414,900 Hertz (Dr. Rife's Primary Pneumonia frequency of 426,862 Hertz multiplied by 8) by using an audio frequency of 7,660 Hertz. The audio frequency of 7,660 Hertz creates many sideband frequencies exactly 7,660 Hertz apart. The 15th upper sideband frequency that is created from 7,660 Hertz is the Streptothrix primary frequency of 3,414,900 Hertz.

Pneumonia Sideband Chart

We could have done all the charts for every one of Dr. Rife's organisms but the five that we have shown above demonstrate how the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument worked. These charts and frequencies show exactly how Dr. Rife's Beam Ray Clinical instrument worked. None of the low audio frequencies used in any of the Rife Ray #5 Beam Ray instruments were for the treatment of disease. The charts shown above prove that the low audio frequencies were used to create the high RF frequency sidebands. It was these high RF sideband frequencies that killed, devitalized or rendered harmless the microorganisms. The Beam Ray Clinical Rife instrument was capable of producing the frequencies for all of Dr. Rife's microorganisms, both known and unknown. To find out how this instrument could do this read "Dr. Rife and Phlip Hoyland's 3.30 MHz sweep" page.

Unless a frequency generator can output the full range of the Radio frequencies it cannot work on Dr. Rife's principles or methods. These frequencies which we have shown on this page can only be produced in two ways, either directly or through sidebands. There are only a few frequency generators on the market today that can output Dr. Rife's original frequencies, or the harmonics of Dr. Rife's original frequencies, which are shown on this page.

We do not know of any frequency generator on the market today that the manufacturers call "Rife Machines" that can output these frequencies. There are frequency generators that are NOT called "Rife Machines" that can output these frequencies. Make sure that any frequency generator that you look at purchasing can output Dr. Rife's high RF frequencies. If the manufacturers claim they can produce these RF frequencies using just low square wave audio frequencies, without the use of a carrier frequency, then you can know without any doubt that their machine cannot output Dr. Rife's original frequencies. Once anyone understands how these original machines work and you decide to purchase one of the many low audio frequency instruments sold on the market today as "Rife Machines" you will not be disappointed later. For frequency generators that can output Dr. Rife's original high RF frequencies, click here.

The final chart, shown below, contains even lower audio frequencies that people have also incorrectly believed were Dr. Rife’s true frequencies. We will now give a short history of how this mistake happened. If you want the complete story read Chapter 12 of "The Rife Machine Report".

In the 1950's Dr. Rife, John Crane and John Marsh started a company called Life Labs. They started building the Beam Ray Clinical instrument again. In 1935 the FCC was created by Congress and they began to control the Radio airwaves starting in 1936. Because the FCC was a small agency it took several years to finally become the agency they are today. In the 1930s Philip Hoyland could choose whatever carrier frequency he wanted to use in the Beam Ray Clinical instrument. We know he used two different carrier frequencies: 3.30 Megahertz and 3.80 Megahertz.

In the 1950's Dr. Rife's partners, John Crane and John Marsh, started Life Labs. They had to apply to the FCC for a new carrier frequency to be used in the rebuilding of the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument. They were assigned 4.68 Megahertz as their new carrier frequency for this new 1950's instrument. The problem was the higher audio frequencies that were used with the original 3.30 Megahertz carrier frequency did not properly match the new 4.68 Megahertz carrier frequency.

Because Dr. Rife, John Crane and John Marsh did not understand Philip Hoyland's sideband method they did not realize that the higher audio frequencies needed to be re-calculated to work with the new 4.68 Megahertz carrier frequency, therefore the new 1950's instrument didn’t work correctly. For some unknown reason that we do not understand they decided to lower the higher audio frequencies by a factor of 10 times. They then changed the sinewave waveform of these lower audio frequencies to the squarewave waveform. The lowering of these frequencies made it so that the new lower audio frequencies would never work properly to create the sideband method developed by Philip Hoyland. By lowering the audio frequencies this made it so they were only using the squarewave audio frequency harmonics to treat the various organisms.

This change from high audio frequencies to even lower audio frequencies made it so the high RF frequency sideband method was no longer used. Because of these mistakes people have also been using these lower square wave audio frequencies for many years believing that they were Dr. Rife’s true frequencies. Today almost all the manufacturers of the many so-called "Rife Machines" only use these lower audio frequencies. This is due to the fact that they do not know how the original instrument worked. Because they do not know how the original machines worked they are still giving these low audio frequencies to their customers not understanding they are not Dr. Rife's true frequencies. For this reason, we have given this information on this page so that anyone reading it will know what frequencies are Dr. Rife's true original frequencies and which ones are not.

To learn the complete historical information about how the 1950's lower audio frequencies were wrongly believed to be Dr. Rife's original frequencies read Chapter 12 of “The Rife Machine Report”

Wrong Audio Frequencies

Until the 1950’s all of Dr. Rife’s machine frequencies were based on his “Original High Frequencies” shown in the first chart on this page. Even though Philip Hoyland based his higher harmonic frequencies on the use of a fixed carrier frequency in combination with high audio frequencies to create sidebands, the machines still worked on Dr. Rife’s principle of coordinative resonance. The low squarewave audio frequencies have never achieved the results that were attained in the 1934 clinic and do not work on the principle of coordinative resonance that Dr. Rife used with his high RF frequencies. Dr. Robert P. Stafford M.D. was one of the first doctors to use the new 1950's instrument called the AZ-58 with these very low audio frequencies. His tests had varying results. Below are two of his statements. We quote:

DR. STAFFORD: “As yet, we have failed to “cure” any case of advanced, terminal malignancy. It appears in several instances that we may have impressed the disease favorably, temporarily. It is difficult to rule out the psychological, morale booster effect to the terminal patient when some definitive effort is made again in his behalf. However, several improvements have appeared to be more physical than emotional...All the patients in the series were treated with the same frequencies (e.g., 728 - 784 - 880 - 2008 - 2128). Perhaps these frequencies may be wrong, or only nearly correct.” (John Marsh Collection, Dr. Stafford’s Report on using the AZ-58, page 4).

DR. STAFFORD: “Please excuse my format in the following letter for I intend to ramble a bit and forget strict grammatical dictum. I am writing you at this time partially because John Marsh informs me in a recent letter that you may be somewhat disheartened or at least worried about your role in the experimentations with the Rife Machine. Believe me, Dr. Edward I know how you feel for I too have been through this same feeling with this matter. I have observed clinical results after treatments with this gadget which I can scarcely believe myself. Yet, despite these good results, I have been confused by some rather simple failures such as a recent experiment which I conducted at Good Samaritan Hospital where we used the machine to treat some cultures of Staph Aureus and Strept. Fecalis. In this work we failed to inhibit growth at all or influence the cultures with the Rife Rx. I sent the results to John Marsh and asked for clarification and to be very frank I am not satisfied with John’s excuse of the failure as described by Dr. Rife. I am afraid I’m not a very good apostle for I’m getting some ideas myself on how this thing may work. I really wonder if this ultrasonic kills bacteria and virus at all or does it work like other forms of ultrasonic and merely stimulate the tissue in some unusual manner thereby improving the circulation and secondarily enhancing the body’s defenses against infection…To summarize some of this rambling: I feel that the Rife Ultrasonic Therapy has a very definitely beneficial effect on the human (and canine) body...I furthermore feel that we, as doctors of medicine, using this machine must remain constantly alert to the condition of our patient and vary the Rx as indicated.” (Letter from Dr. Stafford to Dr. Edward Jeppson dated, April 1, 1958)

It is apparent from the above quotes that Dr. Stafford M.D. was questioning whether the audio frequencies were correct. It is evident that the low audio frequencies which were tested at the Good Samaritan Hospital did not work. In 1976 John Marsh had Brigham Young University's Microbiology Lab test these same low audio frequencies. This test produced the same negative results that Dr. Stafford experienced at Good Samaritan Hospital. At the link below is the complete test report that was sent to John Marsh after the tests were completed. The final report was dated March 31, 1977.

John Marsh's Brigham Young University instrument test dated March 31, 1977

The AZ-58 Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical replica could have output the higher harmonic sideband frequencies that Philip Hoyland used in this instrument if they had only understood how it really worked. Whatever was told to Dr. Stafford by Dr. Rife through John Marsh it did not satisfy Dr. Stafford's concerns. Dr. Rife, John Crane, and John Marsh probably felt that Dr. Stafford had just made some errors in his work, but this was not the case. The reason they did not work is, they were using the wrong audio frequencies along with the fact that the machine was mistuned because it was not on the correct RF carrier frequency (3.30 or 3.80 Megahertz). The one thing that Dr. Stafford did inadvertently find out was the AZ-58 using the incorrect low audio frequencies, which did not create the correct high-frequency sidebands, did not kill organisms in the laboratory at the hospital. Dr. Rife’s true original high RF frequencies have to be used to produce these results either directly or using Philip Hoyland's sideband method.

If you want to use Dr. Rife's original high RF frequencies then you will need to use a frequency generator that will output his frequencies from 139,200 Hertz to 1,607,450 Hertz. If you want to use the higher harmonic frequencies that Philip Hoyland used in the Beam Ray Clincial instruments then you will have to purchase a frequency generator with a higher frequency range. To see a few generators on the market that have the ability to output these frequencies click here.

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