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Instructions For The Use Of
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Introduction: Here are two articles written by Dr. Rife's 1950's business partners, John Crane and John Marsh for the Rife Virus Microscope Institute back in the 1950's and 1960's.
The first article was a manual sent out with the frequency generator shown above in the first photo. It was a contact type instrument which first used metal round disks which were eventually replaced by metal hand-cylinders and footplates. It has been made available here so people will be able to read it and gain a great deal of understanding of how to use Rife type frequency instruments.
The second article deals with how to use the metal Hand-Cylinder contact instrument, but includes how to use the RF Ray Tube non-contact instrument shown in the second photo above. It deals with patients and laboratory test animals and talks about the 1 to 2 feet treatment distance, from the Ray Tube, which the patients and animals should be within for the greatest power transfer. It talks about why patients and control animals, those you don't want treated, must be kept no less than 80 feet away from the RF Ray Tube or they will receive a treatment. This information clearly shows that the 1936 Rife Ray #5 which was sold by the 1938-39 Beam Ray Corporation could treat a person at a 30 to 60 foot distance from the Ray Tube.
Both of these articles should not be taken as any form of medical advice.
A. The Rife Frequency Instrument applies electron (frequency) transmission in the form of “positive electrons” (or “positrons”) at variable frequencies "from an "applicator source."
1. There are two types of Rife Frequency Instruments.
a. A large instrument whose "applicator source"' consists of an anode and a cathode concealed in a glass tube [Ray tube, as shown below] surrounded by a helium gas mixture (or an inert gas envelope).
b. A small instrument whose "applicator source" consists of a bare anode and cathode [Metal disks or metal hand cylinders, as shown below. Metal foot plates are also used] constructed from (a special type) metal for easy transmission flow of positrons.
B. The electron transmission involved in the Frequency Instruments can be compared to the transmission of radio sound waves from a radio (and or audible).
1. A radio station transmits audible radio sound waves, and a receiver or receiving instrument (a radio) receives these waves and converts them into audible range for human hearing.
a. Those radio waves transmitted by a radio station can be heard in any location where the transmission instrument (the radio) is “plugged in" to an electrical outlet.
2. The Rife Frequency Instrument transmits radio sound waves; but, except for two instances, these sound waves are not audible to the human ear (except with a transducer).
a. To very sensitive ears, they are audible when the anode is placed in front of one ear and the cathode is placed in front of the other ear.
b. These sound waves can be heard if an amplifier is attached to the Frequency Instrument.
1. Each frequency, when audible, has a different tone, note or sound.
2. With the amplifier the sound can become loud enough that the force and power of the sound can break objects such as glass, etc., when coordinated with the constituents of the materials affected.
C. The large Rife frequency instrument contains a variable “RF” (Radio Frequency) carrier frequency and a audio frequency generator attached by wires to an applicator tube. The small instrument used audio frequencies only.
1. When either the transmission tube antenna for the (large instrument) or the bare anode and cathode (small instrument) are used the harmonic mortal oscillatory rate of each electro-magnetic energy (or the coordinative resonance with the chemical constituents of the micro-living organism) is tuned in by turning the dial of the instrument to the proper setting and the “causative agent” (micro-living organisms) are thereby devitalize.
a. The pre-natal cell of bacteria and the pre-natal cell of the virus are destroyed with an excessive "space charge" of positive electrons (or positrons). This is a function of time with energy (frequencies), bombarding the microorganism to be devitalized.
1. When using the transmission tube [Ray tube], the space charge concentration is approximately 10 inches. In other words, the distance between the tube and the area of the body to which the tube is directed should be a distance of 10 inches or less. [This distance was used with the original 1930's/1950's instrument which had a 50 watt output. If an instrument is a 100 watt instrument then the distance would double. The more power the greater the distance the person can be from the ray tube].
2. When the bare anode and cathode are used this space charge concentration will be between anode and the cathode - whatever distance exists between them in contact with the body. The energy is controlled for the comfort of the patient.
II. Calibration of Frequencies
A. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife originally calibrated the frequencies in the Rife frequency instrument with the use of pure cultures of pathogenic diseases on slides under the Rife Virus Microscope. (Read "The Rife Microscope or facts and Their Fate" Reprint No. 47. Lee foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin).
1. The Rife Virus Microscope Institute presently calibrates these instruments with the aid of a special frequency counter. This process is now possible because Dr. Rife spent many years in the laboratory establishing the mortal oscillatory rate of vibration of many pathogenic diseases, in some cases working with his colleagues and in other cases by himself. Now with the aid of modern equipment, RVMI can maintain accuracy of calibration of the instruments.
III. Process of elimination of devitalized "causative agents"A. After the micro-living organisms are devitalized, the lymph system of the body, working like a vacuum sweeper, draws the destroyed particles from the areas in which they are devitalized and transports them through the bloodstream to the urinal and /or rectal elimination canals and out of the body.
1. The body then being free of the causative agent of a specific disease is given the opportunity to rebuild the destroyed or damaged cells in accordance with the damage brought about by the causative agent and other factors which may be involved.
IV. Necessary care during and/following a devitalization processA. In cases of illness of a pathogenic nature of long-standing, the metabolism of the body being low and the body being in a very low physical condition, it is necessary at times to use medication in the form of drugs, blood plasma, added vitamins by way of intravenous injections and blood transfusions.
1. These more serious measures are needed when the physical condition of the patient has been seriously impair.
2. In any event, proper rest and a balanced diet are extremely necessary to aid the worthy body cells to overcome a weakened condition brought on by the destruction of the virus, fungi or bacteria.
a. It should be remembered at all times that nature cannot erase a condition of long-standing "overnight."
b. When a disease has been of long-standing (for a period of, for instance, eight months or more) a person must bear in mind two important factors.
1. The disease has been damaging and destroying cells, not only for the length of time since the disease was detected and diagnosed, but for a period of time prior to detection. In the case of cancer, for example, the pre-detection period may be as long as five years.
2. In many cases, disease remedies of various types have been used prior to the use of the Rife Frequency Instrument. These remedies may have been detrimental instead of helpful to the body.
c. It should not be assumed that with the use of the Rife Frequency Instrument these diseases will be removed immediately. Time must be allowed for the body to rebuild itself, and proper care of the body is essential to the return of good health.
V. Toxins and their effectA. After one or more sets of frequencies have been transmitted into the affected areas, toxins often result from the devitalization process.
1. The presence of these toxins often causes pain in the body for a short time, usually in the area in which the devitalization process has taken place. However, the presence of these toxins does not ALWAYS result in pain.
a. The reason for the difference in the reaction of (1) separate individuals and (2) the same individual during separate periods of time is as follows:
1. When the body IS functioning normally in its elimination process, the toxins will not result in pain.
2. When the body IS NOT functioning normally in its elimination process, the toxins will result in a brief period of pain, comparatively speaking. For example, in the actual case of an injury to the left knee of a woman: the results of the injury were evident in a pain which she suffered daily and continually for four years. Following use of the Rife Frequency Instrument for the third time, she suffered a period of pain. This reaction was more severe than any pain she suffered due to the injury itself during the previous four year period. However, take note of its brief duration. This case is comparable to almost all others on record.
b. Even though it is generally brief, a person should be aware of the possibility of the above-described reaction so that its actual occurrence will not be misinterpreted as increased pain caused by the disease itself.
c. Originally, the pain caused by the disease itself will be considerably lessened immediately following this brief period of intensified pain caused by the toxins, and continues to taper off until it is completely eliminated.
d. This entire process varies, of course, in accordance with the age, general health, proper or improper circulation; normal or poor bowel and urine elimination, normal or poor function of the lymph system.
e. When these conditions are favorable, the toxins and the devitalize particles of the causative agent are eliminated without a noticeable sensation of pain in relation to this elimination process. In other words, the intensity or the lack of pain in this regard is dependent on the conditions stated above in “d.”
VI. Extra precautions following an illness of long-standingA. It is necessary to be sure that a person, whose body has been weakened due to one or more diseases of a serious nature, take extra precautions concerning his health, even after the causative agents of that disease, or those diseases have been devitalize.
1. When a person’s body has been weakened by a disease of a serious nature, many body cells have been destroyed or damaged.
a. Therefore, the body must have TIME to rebuild its strength and resistance through proper rest, a balanced diet, etc. These factors cannot be over emphasized because they are ESSENTIAL for the rebuilding of the body to a state of good health.
b. Until TIME and NATURE have had this opportunity, the body would be susceptible to other serious diseases more readily than under ordinary circumstances.
1. For example, if a person should contract a cold in this weakened condition; pneumonia could develop much more easily than ordinarily. Therefore, a person should use the instrument, following a serious illness, for a cold, even if he might not "take time" if the body was and had been healthy prior to the cold.
In other words, the Instrument can and should be used EVERY time a person contracts a cold, but it is EXTREMELY important to use it if the body is still recuperating from the effects of serious illness.
This example would hold true with other situations of like nature. TAKE DOUBLE PRECAUTIONS UNTIL THE BODY HAS REGAINED STRENGTH AND RESISTANCE.
General procedure for all diseases and abnormal conditionsI. General information concerning the anode and cathode
A. The term "anode" in these INSTRUCTIONS refers to an insulated wire and a probe [Metal hand cylinder] attached to one end of it. The term "cathode" applies to another such wire and probe [Metal hand cylinder].
1. The definition for "anode" is: the positive pole or electrode of a device. It is the positive electrode toward which the negative ions migrate.
2. The definition for "cathode" is: in an electron tube, it is an electrode through which a primary stream of electrons enters the inner electrode space. In essence, it is generally termed as a negative electrode.
3. In the case of the Rife Frequency Instrument [The type which does not use a Ray Tube], one wire and probe [Metal hand cylinder or foot plate] become the "anode" when plugged into the opening of the output.
4. The other wire and probe [Metal hand cylinder or foot plate] becomes the "cathode" when plugged into the opening of the output.
5. In other words, the mechanism within the Instrument itself is responsible for one wire responding as a positive pole (anode) and the other as a negative pole (cathode).
B. When applying the anode and cathode to the body, the distance between them will be determined by the nature of the diseased area. The distance between the anode and the cathode will vary according to the size, depth, and the location of each specific disease.
1. The following are general instructions concerning the placement of the anode and cathode:
a. When possible, the anode and cathode should be placed so that the edge of the "anode" is within 1 inch of one side of the diseased area and the edge of the "cathode" is within 1 inch of the other side of the diseased area. This is possible in most cases with boils, warts, fungi, impetigo, athlete’s foot, "wens" (lymph nodes), etc.
b. If the disease or condition is more of an internal nature, place the anode and cathode [Foot plates] in a position whereby the transmission of the frequency emitted by them will make a "complete circuit" in the infected area, and not merely the "surface area." For example, if the patient's physician diagnosed the ailment as a tumor on the colon near the left side, do not place the anode and cathode an inch on either side of the diseased area. Instead, place one on each side of the body, centrally located between the front and back of the body, in direct line with the tumor or directly over the tumor on the front of the body and in a position on the back which corresponds with the location of the tumor. In this way the transmission of the frequency is not merely affecting the surface portion of the tumor, but is penetrating the tumor in its entirety.
c. The anode and cathode must always come in direct contact with the bare flesh. If either or both are touching hair or clothing the circuit will be broken. [If terry cloth covers are use with the hand cylinders or foot plates then they must be wet in order to make them conductive so the frequencies will enter the body].
Procedure for Operating the Instrument1. Slowly turn the OUTPUT knob to the right (clockwise) to a "comfortable level of intensity." A "comfortable level of intensity" is reached when the dial is turned clockwise to a position which will produce a "tingling" or "prickling" sensation in the immediate area of one of the probes [metal hand cylinders or footplates].
Note: [If an RF carrier frequency is used there will be no "tingling" or "prickling" sensation due to the fact that the RF carrier frequency or cycles per second will be too fast for the body to feel. Instruments that use an RF carrier frequency can deliver up to 150 times more power or energy than the original frequency generator used with these instructions].
a. This sensation does not need to be an uncomfortable degree of intensity in order to be effective. A person need only be "aware" of a slight "tingling" or "prickle."
b. If at any time during the period in which the probes [metal hand cylinders or footplates] are in contact with the body, this "tingle" becomes intensified to an uncomfortable degree, the OUTPUT dial should be turned quickly to the left (counter-clockwise) and then turned slowly again to the right (clockwise) until a "comfortable level of intensity" is reached again.
c. A person will have no ill effects from the increased intensity. The frequencies transmitted by the Rife Frequency Instrument are in the audio band which is too low to harm the human cells. [Dr. Rife's original frequencies are in the high RF range and also will not harm the human cells]. The reason for turning the dial quickly to the left is merely to avoid discomfort.
d. The reason a tingling sensation becomes more pronounced is because after the frequencies are transmitted into that particular area for a time, the nerve centers are activated more than normal because of the reactivation in the cells of the nerve center itself. This reactivation is cause by the "exciting" of the electrons (contained in the cells) due to the force emitted by the electrons being transmitted by the Instrument to that area.
e. Ordinarily, this "tingling" sensation is present only in the area of one probe (the anode), [metal hand cylinder or footplate] but occasionally one feels a "tingle" from both the anode and cathode. The reason for this is that, in that particular area of the body, there is a nerve center which is closer to the surface than at other points of contact. To clarify that further, if there is a nerve center close to the surface, in the area of the body being affected, there will be a tingling sensation in the area of the cathode as well as in the area of the anode. If the probes [metal hand cylinders] are placed in positions where a nerve center is not so close, there will be a tingling sensation only in the area of the anode.
f. Another reason for this dual sensation is that, on occasion, the electrons will travel from one probe to the other because of the nature of the particular chemical constituents of the cells being affected.
Suggested Placement of anode and cathode for Specific Diseases and Abnormal ConditionsA. "1" will indicate either the anode or cathode. "2" will indicate either the anode or cathode.
1. In other words, it makes no difference which probe [metal hand cylinders or footplates] is used for each of the two positions. For example, effectivity is the same whether the anode is on the left of the diseased area and the cathode on the right OR the cathode is on left and the anode is on the right. Therefore, positions of the probes will be referred to as "I" and "II" rather than as "anode" and "cathode."
B. The entire area of the anode and cathode is in contact with the flesh, when possible.
C. When two placements are given for the probes, they can be alternated, if desired, with a series of de-vitalization processes.
Location and Placement of Probes
ANUS: "1": The inner edge of the probe should be one inch to the left of the anus (on the left buttock). "2": The inner edge of the probe should be one inch to the right of the anus (on the right buttock.
ARM: "1": At the "top" of the arm or just "over the tip" on the extreme upper portion of the back. "2": Hold in palm of hand, fingers pressing lightly on the exposed side of the probe.In the case of palsy of both arms, (staphylococcus, or other condition which affects both arms), the following procedure many be used.
"1": Hold the probe in the palm of the left hand.
"2": Hold the probe in the palm of the right hand.
ARM PITS: "1": To the left of lymph node one inch. "2": To the right of lymph node one inch.BLADDER: "1": On the left side of the body (centered in the "thickness" of the body) in direct line with the bladder. "2": On the right side in a comparable location OR "1": Directly over bladder in front. "2": Directly "in line" with the bladder on the back.
Blood: "1": Because the disease of the blood (leukemia) covers the entire body, place probe "1" on the left side of the body). "2": In a comparable position. When time permits, start at the temples and place the probes at approximately three inch intervals all the way to the crotch. Then place one probe at top of left leg and on the ball of the left foot and repeat with the right leg.
When time does not allow for this extensive coverage, use as many positions as time permits, and always include the chest area.
ATHLETE'S FOOT: Infected area between toes, "1": At side of little toe. "2": At side of big toe.
Infected area ball of foot or flat area, "1": On side of foot, directly "in line" With affected area. Ball of foot or flat area "2": On opposite side of foot, directly "in line" with the affected area, and with "1".
[Today people use footplates and put their left foot on one plate and their right foot on the other plate. This covers the whole area without the need to do it the old way].
NOSE: "1": On the left cheek close to the nose. "2": On the right cheek close to the nose.
OVERYS: Right or Left: "1": On front of body place probe over affected ovary. "2": On the back of body directly behind affected ovary so that the ovary is in a direct line between the probes.
VARICOSE VEINS: Between knee and ankle, "1": At knee. "2" At ankle - with the varicose vein in direct line with "1" and "2".
[Today people use footplates and put their left foot on one plate and their right foot on the other plate. This covers the whole area without the need to do it the old way].
The above "specific placements" are comparable with other diseases and abnormal conditions as to where to place the anode and cathode [Metal hand cylinders or footplates] for best results. The general rule to remember is; Always be sure the diseased area is in direct line between the anode and cathode. THIS IS A MUST.
Prelimininary Instructions Concerning "CHART FOR DISEASES AND ABNORMAL CONDITIONS"A. One Asterisk (*) to the left of each specific disease or abnormal condition listed on the Chart indicates that the disease or condition will respond favorably if the Instrument is used as often as every day. If the disease or conditions shows one asterisk and is also underlined, it indicates that the Instrument can be used three times daily (or twice if more convenient).
Three asterisks (***) indicates that the disease or condition will respond favorably if the instrument is used every three days or twice a week. One Asterisk and Three Asterisk conditions can be treated on the same day.
B. The following are the determining factors for the length of time suggested for applying the anode and cathode to the body.
1. When the distance between the anode and the cathode is nine inches or less, apply the anode and cathode for three minutes for each frequency.
2. When the distance between the anode and cathode is more than nine inches, apply the anode cathode for five minutes for each frequency.
C. Be certain that when the frequency for T.B. (Tuberculosis) rod the frequency for the T.B. virus is also used. It is imperative that the two frequencies be used together. Failure to use both settings may cause excessive toxin in the body which will be unbearable.
Abscesses *
Acne *
Arthritis *
Asthma *
Athlete's Foot *
Bacillus Coli *
Bleeding *
Boils *
Bronchial pneumonia *
Bronchitis *
Bubonic Plague ***
Bursitis *
Butterfly Lupis *
Carcinoma ***
Cataract *
Catarrhal secretions *
Colds *
Coronary Thrombosis *
Congestion *
Contageous Conjunctivitis ***
Constipation *
Coronary Thrombosis ***
Coronary Flutter ***
Coronary Leakage ***
Cystic Fibrosis ***
Cystitis (Inflammation) ***
Cysts *
Dermatitis *
Diptheria *
Elephantitis ***
Fibroid Tumors ***
Fibroma ***
Flu *
Fungus *
Glanders *
Glaucoma *
Gonorrhea *
Growths ***
Hardening of the arteries *
Hay Fever *
Hemorrhoids *
Hernia *
Impetigo *
Infection ***
Irregularity of menstrual periods *
Irritations *
Itching *
Laryngitis *
Leprosy *
Leukemia *
Lymph nodes *
Migraine Headache *
Moles *
Multiple Sclerosis ***
Muscular pains *
Pains *
Palsy *
Peptic Ulcers *
Piles *
Pink Eye *
Pleurisy *
Ptergium *
Pneumonia *
Poison Oak *
Poison Ivy *
Poliomyelitis *
Post-nasal-drip *
Pyorrhea *
Rash *
Rheumatic fever *
Rheumatism *
Sarcoma ***
Scleroderma *
Shingles *
Sinus Cavities *
Skin eruptions *
Spinal meningitis *
Staphylococcus *
Sties *
Streptococcus *
Swelling *
T.B. Rod *
T.B. Virus *
Tetanus *
Trench Mouth *
Treponema *
Tumors *
Typhoid fever *
Ulcerated Colon ***
Ulcers *
Valley fever *
Varicose veins *
Warts *
Yellow Jaundice ***A. The "three asterisk" types usually cover a greater area of the body and affect the blood stream more seriously. The "load" placed on the lymph system in these types is much greater, as a rule, due to (a) a greater quantity of devitalized micro-organisms and (b) a greater quantity of toxins.
B. Because the lymph system must carry off the devitalized micro-organisms and toxins, it must be given a three-day period instead of just one day before the instrument is used again for the same disease or abnormal condition.
1. If this devitalization process was employed more often than every three days, the lymph system could become "over loaded" with devitalized micro-organisms and toxins and the result would be an undue amount of pain; therefore, sufficient time must be allowed to "clear" the lymph system between these devitalization processes. [Many people are able to treat these conditions every two days (instead of every three days) if they do not have any adverse "overload" reactions. So each person will have to evaluate their own situation].
2. It is important to realize that once a series of treatments has been started it should be continued with faithful regularity. This is essential due to the fact that the frequencies emitted from the Instrument are trained on the cell of the micro-organism and can devitalize these destructive agents when they have reached that particular stage, BUT these frequencies are not trained on the chemical stage of development which takes place within the body that brings into being these premodal cells. Therefore, because "the causative agents of disease" are continually going from one stage of development to another and only the one stage is affected by the Instrument, the Instrument must be used regularly until all chemical imbalance (pertaining to the specific condition you are attempting to correct) is normalized. [Those with cancer need to understand that even if they eventually get a clean bill of health they will always be susceptible to this disease and should always do a maintenance treatment at least once a week for the rest of their lives or the disease may return].
3. It is significant also that the blood stream, as well as the cells, of the body have been contaminated with the "causative agents of disease," therefore, the use of the Instrument on schedule is essential to (a) help to build the cells and (b) to clean the blood stream.
4. It is obvious, then, that the regularity of the treatment is a very important determining factor in the length of time required to completely devitalize the "current" cause of a specific disease or condition.
C. Even though the "three asterisk" system is in effect, the "one asterisk” system can be used elsewhere, other than the area awaiting the three-day period to elapse.
EXAMPLE: If the instrument is applied to remove carcinoma: of the lungs (which is a "three asterisk" type), the instrument could be used for a boil on the face (which is a "one asterisk" type) daily.
D. Any specific disease located in any number of people may be subjected to the devitalization process with the same number of frequencies, the same number of times, the same length of time (in minutes), and with the same degree of regularity and yet each person may respond differently than every other person as to length of time required for recovery, relief of pain, toxin reaction, etc.
1. The reason for this is that the chemical imbalance which causes diseases to occur differs in its degree of abnormality in each individual. There are other factors involved also including the general health of each individual, the amount of rest and proper food he has, the amount of tension and worry - or the lack of it - he is subjected to during this period, the amount of medication he is taking (and the possible weakening or devitalizing effect it may be having on the body), the amount of supplemental vitamins, minerals, and proteins he is taking (if any), and other factors. All these differ with each individual.
2. Therefore, if one should find that the favorable reaction and recuperation or recovery is "slower" in his particular case than in some other similar case with which he is familiar, it should not be a cause for alarm. This is a situation which occurs also in the case of medical treatment, chiropractic, osteopathy, physical therapy, etc.
3. Always keep in mind that numerous factors are involved in each specific case; and therefore, each case will respond differently. These combined factors constitute the very reason that specific results cannot be guaranteed from the use of the Rife Frequency Instrument just as a medical doctor or member of one of the above-mentioned healing arts cannot GUARANTEE specific results from their form of treatment.
a. The function of the Instrument is to devitalize the causative agents of certain diseases and conditions. Time, Nature and the body must do the rest.
Use of FULL BANDThe above list of conditions show the individual specific diseases and abnormal conditions. However, the FULL BAND [All of Rife’s frequencies] may be used on any disease or condition, if desired.
1. There is an advantage and a disadvantage in using the FULL BAND of Rife’s frequencies.
a. Advantage: By using the FULL BAND all the frequencies are applied to the body instead of the three to seven individual frequencies called for on the chart, according to which disease or condition you wish to affect.EXAMPLE: By using the FULL BAND for Sinus Infection, instead of the several frequencies normally used, all frequencies the Instrument is capable of emitting would be in effect.
Therefore, because the anode and cathode are placed in the same location on the face for Sinus Infection, as it is for many other diseases and conditions, which would require more or different frequencies (such as Ear Fungi, Ringing in the Ears, Head Cold, etc.) such conditions, if present, would be affected at the same time as the Sinus Infection when using the FULL BAND of frequencies.
Then, too, there may be conditions present (in early stages) which one may not as yet be aware of because no pain or symptom has occurred. Such conditions would also be affected when using the FULL BAND of frequencies.
b. Disadvantage: When the full band is used, a second person is usually required to turn the FULL BAND dial. It is very easy for one person to use the Instrument by himself when using specific dial settings. But it is more difficult and where certain areas of the body are concerned almost impossible to use the Instrument alone when the FULL BAND is used.[This statement was true when John Marsh wrote this paper but because of today’s modern electronics it is now possible to operate a frequency generator without the need of a second person.]
Another factor to consider when using the FULL BAND of Rife’s frequencies is the specific frequencies suggested for the devitalization processes are transmitted only as often as all the other frequencies in the band. It has proven satisfactory, in view of these facts, to alternate the use of the specific frequencies of the FULL BAND during a series of devitalization processes.
Head DiseasesIntroduction: In all cases of head diseases the anode and cathode probes must be placed with one on each side of the head allowing the diseased area to be between the flow of the effective frequencies being transmitted through the anode and cathode through the head. Thus allowing a complete circuit so the transmitted frequencies tuned in on the instrument for the specific disease of the head may be devitalized.
This method will be used throughout the entire body. The spacing of the anode and cathode, distance-wise, can be regulated in cases of growths; for instance, a "wen" (lymph node), boils, cysts, pustular acne, staphylococcus, eruptions or skin abrasions, tuberculosis of the gums, trench mouth, pyorrhea, cystic fibrosis, peptic ulcers, impetigo, ear canker, ear noises, ear fungus, migraine headaches, post-nasal drip, sinus, brain tumors, catarrhal secretions, glaucoma, cataract, moles, butterfly lupus, colds, flu, neoplasm’s, warts, and many other like diseases affecting the head.
The spacing of the anode and cathode is placed, when convenient, within one inch from the outer circle of the anode and cathode on each side of the diseased area. This, of course, is determined at the area site. In the case of a boil on the nose with the anode and the cathode placed one inch from the outer edge of the boil with the boil directly in between them. In a case of this sort, the anode and cathode can be placed flat against the cheek or the side of the face thus allowing the transmission of the frequency to travel through the infected area causing the disease to diminish in size and leave through the devitalization of the causative agent. Always bear in mind the anode or cathode must always come in contact with the bare flesh and not touching any clothing of any kind, either hair or cloth, because the transmission cannot be made through these materials effectively. These articles would be the cause of breaking the circuit transmitted from the instrument into the cathode which would be the positive charge and out through the anode, the negative charge or visa-versa. [Remember, if terry cloth covers are used with the anode and cathode then they must be wet in order for the frequencies to enter the body]
Continually bear in mind the comfort of the person receiving the treatment. This comfort can best be explained in which the person must be placed in a restful position in holding the anode and cathode to their head while using the instrument on themselves, in these positions, that in a period of perhaps 30 minutes or more would not tire themselves. It is sometimes necessary to use either scotch tape, masking tape, adhesive tape to aid in the holding of the anode and cathode into the proper location while the user’s hands may be free to set and turn the necessary dials to tune in the frequencies to devitalize the causative agent of that particular disease. In every case as best explained here, the person will use the instrument on themselves and will be responsible to follow the necessary precautions of not overdoing it. [This above statement about the dial was true when John Marsh wrote this paper but because of today’s modern electronics no dials are needed to tune the frequencies]Each user will have a different capacity for the frequencies being transmitted into the body through the anode and cathode. Therefore, the instrument will contain a dial whereby each user will be able to control the quantity of power needed for this transmission as best suited to his taste completely. What is meant by this phrase is the fact that each person’s ability will vary as to the amount of power of frequency which gives off a tingling feeling at times that people mistake for being shocked like in case of electricity transmission. This is a supersonic transmission when electricity is transmitted into the body causing pain but in the case of these frequencies it is a vibration and not electrical power as one thinks of electricity in its use, therefore, these vibrations are mistakenly accepted when the user is not as well versed on this subject as they should be to understand its use. We advise the user to definitely understand how a frequency can be transmitted through the body safely without any detrimental effect to the cells, blood, bones, nerves, muscles, eyesight, sex organs, etc. This understandability will permit the user to direct these frequencies to himself without fear, which is also a causative agent or the symptoms of the disease that he had just cleared himself of as to its cause. This will make him believe that the instrument had not devitalized the causative agent of the disease even though it is gone; the fear that he had caused the chemical balance of his body to become unbalanced and the symptoms still remained as a falsehood to the true cause. [The instrument that John Marsh is talking about in the above statement did not use an RF (Radio Frequency) carrier. When an RF carrier frequency is used then the person holding the anode and cathode (or metal hand cylinders) will feel nothing]
The time needed for each frequency necessary to devitalize the causative agent of a certain disease will always be no less than 3 minutes if the space between the anode and cathode does not exceed 9 inches. However, if the space between the anode and cathode exceeds 9 inches then it will be necessary to transmit these frequencies at 5 minutes each. The time element will be governed according to the distance needed for this devitalization process. This is determined by the user as to the area of the disease being devitalized.The Neck: most diseases affecting the neck are as follows: tuberculosis, tonsillitis, pustular acne, laryngitis, dermatitis, colds, boils, staphylococcus, cysts, flu, lymph nodes, muscular stiffness, carcinoma, sarcoma, and many others. These diseases are best eliminated by using the same system as stated in head diseases, including the usage or the chart for the specific disease, how affected electronically, the length of each frequency time element, and days in between.
The Chest: The diseases affecting this area are commonly known as: pustular acne, colds, cysts, bronchitis asthma, bronchial pneumonia, pneumonia, double pneumonia" tuberculosis, carcinoma, sarcoma, lymph nodes, dermatitis, staphylococcus, boils, bursitis, arthritis, types of heart ailments, valley fever, typhoid fever, flu, congestive lung ailments, and many others may be eliminated by using the same system as stated above, using the chart for time element.
The Stomach, Liver, and Bowel area: common known diseases of these areas are known as: colitis, ulcerated colon, stomach ulcers, gastric disturbances, yellow jaundice, liver upset, gall bladder infection, carcinoma of all of these areas, sarcoma, nausea, glanders, lymph gland blocks, tuberculosis, Herpes virus, and many others. The same system of frequency transmission will be used in these areas as stated heretofore. See the chart for time.Pelvic Area: Most of the diseases affecting this area are as follows: Cysts urethra infection, bladder infection, prostate gland infection, cystitis, fungus of the female organs, rectal diseases such as piles, hemorrhoids, fistula, staphylococcus of the rectal area, scrotum diseases, left and right ovary infection, menstruation irregularities, kidney infections, and chronic appendicitis.
TERMINOLOGY DICTIONARYJohn Marsh's terminology dictionary is given first so that the reader will better understand the various terms used in this article he wrote.
AMPLIFIER: To amplify means to enlarge or to expand with power. A device to magnify waves or sound. The amplifier in the Rife Frequency Instrument expands the wave of electronic emission so they will travel on a radio band (RF carrier frequency) of energy into the area being affected.
ANODE: The positive pole or electrode (metal hand cylinder) of a device. It is the positive electrode toward which the negative ions migrate.
AUDIBLE: That may be heard; perceivable by the ear; loud enough to be heard.AUDIO FREQUENCY: Any frequency corresponding to a normally audible sound wave.
BLOOD TRANSFUSION: The transference of blood from one person to another.CALIBRATE: To adjust to scale or standard any graduated instrument. To ascertain, usually by comparison with a standard, the locations at which scale graduations should be placed. To correspond to a series of values of the quantity which an instrument (such as the Rife Frequency Instrument) is to measure.
CARRIER WAVE: A radio frequency used to transmit a lower frequency, generally in the audio range of frequencies, through space.
CATHODE: In an electron tube an electrode through which a primary stream of electrons enters the inner electrode space. In essence, it is generally termed as a negative electrode (metal hand cylinder.
CAUSITIVE AGENT: The chemicals, acids, or micro-organisms (virus, fungi, bacteria) which are the causes of disease.
CONSTITUENT: Constituting or existing as an essential component or ingredient; forming, composing, or making as an essential part; component; elementary; as, oxygen and hydrogen are the "constituent" parts of water.
COORDINATIVE: To coordinate one thing with another. Such as, in the use of the Rife Frequency Instrument, where the frequency wave or resonance emitted, coordinated with the chemical negative power in the organism to destroy it with a coordinative resonation.
CULTURES: The propagation of micro-organisms or living tissue cells in a special media conducive to their growth.
DEVITALIZATION: The act of devitalizing or state of being devitalized.
DEVITALIZE: To deprive of vitality or the power to sustain vitality: to destroy, eliminate.
ELECTRON TRANSMISSION: The process applied in the transmitting of a media of light incident upon a radio wave. The act of transmitting a signal or frequency of an electro-magnetic pressure field. Sound and light are coincidental with an electron as being a motivating force or particle and an intricate segment of the atom nucleus.
ELECTROSTATIC ENERGY: A quantity of static electricity (or electricity at rest as distinguished from an electric current) that exists on an electrified surface of an insulating material or conductor. Better known as arrested electricity, which is controlled differently than regular electricity through currents.
ELECTRON: One of the smallest known particles having an electric charge. Its charge may be either positive or negative, according to its location within the atom. "Negative" electrons are located in the part of the atom outside the nucleus. "Positive" electrons are located within the nucleus. It is the positive" electrons (or "positrons") emitted from the Rife Frequency Instruments which are the devitalizing agent that destroys the micro-organisms (which are the causative agents of disease within the human body.)
FREQUENCY: Time spacing between emissions. An example: the frequency of vibration in a second to produce a given tone.
FREQUENCY BAND: A continous range of frequencies extending between two limiting frequencies.
FREQUENCY COUNTER: An instrument for counting the emissions given out by the instrument to a specific frequency in coordination with the frequency emitted from the chemical constituents of the micro-organism.
FUNGUS: A growth on the body (resembling a fungus - fungus meaning: anyone of a class of vegetable organisms of a low order of development, including mushrooms, toadstools, molds, etc.). A spongy mass of morbid granulation tissue.
HARMONIC MORTAL OSCILLATORY RATE: a band or wave of frequency resonance oscillating (vibrating) at a rate of speed coordinative with, or identical to, the resonance of the life of a specific micro-organism. (The resonance from the Instrument will destroy the micro-organism because this frequency wave (or resonance) emitted from the Instrument is of a "positive" nature and the coordinative resonance of the micro-organism is of a "negative" nature.
INTRAVENOUS: Situated within the vein or veins.
MALIGNANT: a tendency to go from bad to worse, virulent, the degree of pathogenicity of a micro-organism as indicated by case fatality rates and/or its ability to invade the tissues of the host or neighboring tissues.
MEDIA: A variety of minerals and combinations of materials used for cultivations of micro-organisms.
METABOLISM: To turn about, change, alter. The ,sum of all the physical and chemical processes by which living organized substance is produced and maintained, as in catabolism of cells.
NUCLEUS: Central part of any body; or that about which matter is collected.
OSCILLATORY RATE: The speed at which the frequency or resonant waves travel.
PATHOGENIC: Giving origin to disease or to morbid symptoms.
POSITRON: A nuclear particle located in the nucleus of the atom having the same mass as an electron and a positive charge equal in magnitude to the negative charge of an electron. The Rife Frequency Instrument is the only known system of positron emission under controlled measures. "Positron" is a synonym of "positive electron."
PRENATAL: Existing or occurring before birth.
PROBE: A resonant conductor which is placed in a wave-guide or cavity resonator for the purpose of inserting or withdrawing electro-magnetic energy.
RADIO WAVE: An electromagnetic wave used in radio. Specifically such a wave used in radio operations other than in radar or television.
RESONANCE: Vibrations that oscillate with greater amplitude at a frequency causing it to resonate. Example, if you resonate a tuning fork of a "C" pitch at one end of a room, when struck it will cause the resonation of another tuning fork of a "C" pitch at the other end of the room.
SOUND WAVE: An alteration in pressure, stress, particle displacement, particle velocity, which is propagated in an elastic material.SPACE CHARGE: The net electric charge within a given volume. A negative charge in a vacuum tube resulting from electrons emitted from the cathode but not immediately drawn to the anode, therefore remaining in the space between the anode and cathode.
SUPER SUBSONIC BAND: Super means intense power. Subsonic means below, down, under, Band means wave, speed of travel. Super subsonic band means a speed less than the speed of sound; means "infrasonic" - a frequency lying below the speed of sound. The word infrasonic may be used as a modifier to signify employing or pertaining to infrasonic frequencies. Commonly called subsonic frequency.
TOXIN: In medicine, any poisonous albumin produced by bacterial action. The bacterial proteins resist the high temperature and seem to have the same properties in all bacteria, not, causing specific infection, but all alike causing fever, inflammation and suppuration; tuberculin is an example.TRANSMISSION: The passage of energy from the transmitter to the receiver.
TUMOR: Swelling, morbid enlargement, a neoplasm, a mass of new tissue which persists and grows independently of its surrounding structures which has no physiological use.
The remainder of this article had the frequencies that were used for the various disease organisms and a report about Electron Therapy. To read that report and know all the frequencies that were used by Dr. Rife's machines click on the links below.
Dr. Rife's True Original Frequencies
Rife Machines and Electron Therapy
Electro-Magnetic Force Field Treatments.
(1). Diagnosis is made either for humans or animals. The history of the patient is checked. Records are prepared for patient to start the treatments with Electro-magnetic Force Field instruments. The treatment starts where the patient now stands at that time. One word of caution, if this patient has had a recent radio-active treatment or exposure, this has proven to detain the de-vitalization processes to some degree. The effects of radio-activity must wear off first for a valid result to be obtained. Radio-Active particles are Ultra-High frequencies, Electromagnetic energy is in the sub-audio range, from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second. One can counteract the other, defeating the process. However, regardless if the patient had radio-active [radiation] treatment or not, the use of electro-magnetic treatments will not harm the human or animal.
(2). If the use of the small instrument is used and a diagnosed disease is on the log, upper thigh, the ANODE probe is put on one side of the diseased area, the CATHODE probe is put on the opposite side directly across from the ANODE and the leg becomes the capacitor or part of the instrument. The dial of the instrument tunes into the leg the correct frequencies to destroy the microorganism that is the causative agent of that disease. These probes must at all times touch uncovered flesh for best results, no cloth, hair, etc. The amount of minutes to give this treatment depends upon the distance between the ANODE and the CATHODE. If less than 9 inches a three minute time on each frequency is transmitted into the infected area, if more than 9 inches 5 minutes for each frequency is transmitted. The power output dial will control the comfort or discomfort of the transmission process for the patient. The treatments with this smaller instrument can be repeated according to the following chart, for the approximate disease being treated.
(3). The large instrument is more powerful since it is a R/F Radio Frequency transmitter or broadcasting type. It will do the same thing as the smaller instrument but has a deeper penetration effect. Internal diseases are mostly the ones this instrument is used on. It does not need to touch the animal or patient. It is far better for animals because of not touching them. They become frightened, not understanding. Same time limits are used for the diagnosed diseases. The following chart will give you the time and interval schedule for each disease, approximately.
VI. THE INSTRUMENTS and HOW THEY ARE USED; TWO TYPES.(A). Type number one. The smaller instrument, portable, frequency signal generator transmitting through two probes [metal-hand cylinders], frequencies of certain numbers on a carrier wave and wave form. Has two outlets, one for probe No. 1, an ANODE and one for probe No. 2, a Cathode. Each of these probes are metal plates attached to leak-proof cables 6 ft. long. Between these two probes an electromagnetic "field" is generated through the power unit of the instrument.
Ref. I-(A), 1 and 2 of this document.(1). When using this device, it is best to warm it up for 15 minutes prior to its actual use. The infected part is to be placed as directly between these two probes, as possible. Never to use them against clothing or hair as a complete contact is essential. When applying the power of transmission to an area on the flesh, use the power output dial to dial-in the power so as to give the patient a comfortable feeling. A slight tingling will occur then turn it back so as the patient just barely feels it. The tingling is the resonance of the frequencies being transmitted into and through that area of the body. Check the chart for treatment data as to how many frequencies, how often, etc. This device covers most external and some close internal areas. Helpful to both and harmless with no after-effects. Care should be exercised at all times in handling this sensitive instrument so as to keep it in perfect working calibrated order. Do not bump, jar or drop it. A recalibration is needed if this occurs. It is safe whether calibrated or not, but useless if out of calibration.
(B). Type number two. This larger instrument is also a signal frequency generator R/F (Radio-Frequency ) transmitter type. Broadcasting these frequencies on a carrier wave and wave form, over an antenna. This is not a “physical touch type" like the one above. This is also portable, heavier, accurately controlled like the one above, however, the transmission is from a distance of 12 to 24 inches from the antenna to the area being treated. This instrument is used on animals instead of the above smaller device. Touching animals frightens them. The power of this instrument is greater and deeper penetration. No harmful effects to humans and/or animals and no after-effects recorded. See type of diseases and time schedule on chart in this document area “V”. The same care with this device, as with the above smaller device.
VII. CONTROLLED LABORATORY RESEARCH(A). Several effective research programs should be put into action.
(1). The use of cultures, petri dishes, using the smaller instrument for this purpose, with probes inserted into the agar jell before it sets, and before the cultures are grown. After these cultures are ready for the tests, count the spores, if fungi or bacteria of any sort. Attach probes to leads to instrument which has been preset for this experiment allowing room for operator of instrument to dial in the lethal frequencies to the culture. Set up this experiment under the microscope and have a bacteriologist to see the action of the electromagnetic force field on the cultures, see the results immediately. If any changes are noted, remove the petri dish with the culture from under the microscope, return to the incubator to see if cultures can be regrown or re-cultured. If they cannot, repeat this process enough times to assure yourself of the efficacy of this form of de-vitalization. Record all processes and dates. All data will be valuable for future use.
(2). The use of the large instrument with the transmitter antenna can be used in this next step to qualify the efficacy. Use as many white rats for this test as you need. Sprague-Dawley Rats are recommended, perhaps suckling ones. They are to be injected with doses of rat leukemic whole blood. Take a group that was injected and same number in the other group that was not injected. Another group of injected rats, but not to be treated. These to serve as controls. The injected rats that are to be treated and the un-injected rats will be treated also, but one set of rats are to be injected but not treated. The records will show when the rats that were injected but not treated, were to die. The ones that were treated should outlive the untreated ones that were injected. A number of these tests should be done to show the efficacy of this form of Electromagnetic force field on this type of disease. Do as many tests that will satisfy the results. Records should be carefully kept of all of these tests, timing, quantity of treatments given, etc. Also care in the maintenance of these rats are of vital importance while being tested. The elimination of fright to the rats are vital too.
(3). The use of both instruments on human patients would be the next best test for their efficacy. On external infections the smaller instrument as well as the big one can be used. The smaller instrument for dermatosis, small areas of infection, athletes foot, fungi, boils and such. The larger instrument covers a broader area and the deeper infected areas. Complete histories should be recorded of these human lab tests for further research. Treating many minor diseases with the smaller instrument, will show the effectivity of its power, electromagnetically. Careful controlled diagnosis of each ailment by a qualified Medical Doctor before and after each test is required and recorded both on humans as well as animals. Slide sections made, biopsies taken and a microscopic analysis made of each treated case for the records of this form of electromagnetic treatment. Check for any after effects of this form of treatment in all cases, to assure favorable results.
Note: Be sure to isolate the rats that were injected from all of those being treated as these Radio Waves can travel a distance from the area of treatment. I'd suggest no less than 80 feet or more from the rest being treated. The rats that are injected for control purposes should not come in contact with the treatments given to the other groups, for safety purposes in testing. Much care in this area [should] be given.
(4). The director of the laboratory conducting these experiments and tests should determine the injecting of the rats, the time they are to be treated, the type of injection and the quantity of tests to be given. The operator of the instrument should be given the signal for his work to begin on these rats, exact time, a person to record all activities, equipment used, type rats, timing of each treatment, and results of each test given, persons involved in the testing, laboratory technicians, aids, etc. After which a careful study of final results should be made and tabulated. All of this will determine the efficacy of this form of Physical Medicine and further plans can be made for future use of these instruments.